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1. 课文一 2. 课文二

Text 1

Why Are You So Smart?

 Karen Wright


    Scientists have been trying to search for "smart" genes, which might govern intelligence. But will genes for intelligence be used to determine genetic IQ? To what extent do the genes you're born with have to do with IQ? The following passage tells us some latest studies on this issue.

    It is one of the most important predictors of financial and social success. It helps determine where you work, where you live, whom you marry, whether you divorce, whether you have children out of wedlock, whether you wind up in jail. It can be measured with great precision, and it changes very little over a lifetime. It is substantially influenced by your genes.

    Or is it?

    When the subject is human intelligence, you don't have to go far to find an argument. In the century since British psychologist Charles Spearman proposed that a single, general mental ability governs many aspects of cognitive performance, scientists and society have bickered long and often about intelligence: what it is, what it does, who has it, how to improve it, how to measure it, and how to best interpret and use those measurements.

    Most recently, the controversy incited by the 1994 book The Bell Curve has revived the nature-nurture debate: Is intelligence malleable or genetically programmed? Is a human mind born or made? After decades of research, most intelligence experts have come to decide that it's both, in roughly equal measure.

    So it was perhaps inevitable that someone somewhere would begin the search for "smart" genes. That someone is Robert Plomin, a 25-year veteran of intelligence research who is currently stationed at the Institute of Psychiatry in London. Last year, Plomin published the first evidence of a gene linked to high IQ. This year, he reported the locations of three more smart genes. And within the next several months, he expects to find at least two dozen of the most important genetic determinants of intelligence. Already, his work has provoked visions—and fears—of DNA doctors tinkering with the gears of cognition. "I knew that nobody else would be crazy enough to do it," he says.

    Plomin's quest is one of the most audacious in the field of behavioral genetics, a discipline dedicated to finding hereditary factors that influence human behavior. One type of study traces patterns of inheritance by comparing identical twins reared together and apart. Another method compares the traits of adopted children with those of their biological and adoptive parents and siblings. Done well, these studies determine the heritability of a trait: to what extent the differences among individuals are due to genes, rather than to environmental forces such as upbringing, nutrition, and schooling. Once a heredity pattern for a trait is established, researchers can home in on the genes responsible.

    But the search gets complicated when the genes in question are for smarts. On one hand, intelligence as measured by IQ tests is a reliable and stable component of human behavior. It doesn't change much over a lifetime, and different tests tend to produce the same results. Intelligence is also the most highly inheritable mental attribute known: Twin and adoption studies suggest that 30 to 70 percent of the differences among people's IQ scores can be attributed to genes. Many experts, including Plomin, think 50 percent is the most likely figure. (Physical attributes such as height and weight can be up to 90 percent heritable.)

    But intelligence is a complex phenomenon, governed by hundreds or even thousands of genes. So patterns of inheritance aren't obvious. Nor is the discovery of any one gene for intelligence likely to be earthshaking, Plomin concedes.

    "We don't know how many genes are involved for any complex trait in any plant or animal," he says. But any of the majority of smart genes probably accounts for less than 1 percent of the heritability of intelligence.

    Scientists link genes to traits by using DNA markers: stretches of DNA whose positions on chromosomes have been precisely plotted. The sequence of each marker can vary, just as the gene for blue eyes varies slightly from the gene for brown eyes. These different versions of each marker, called alleles, correspond to different versions of nearby genes. If people with a particular allele of a DNA marker possess a trait and people without the allele don't, then a gene for that trait is likely close to, or even the same as, the marker.

    Using this approach, Plomin compared two groups of children: 51 with an average IQ of 103, and 51 with an average IQ of 136. He used 37 markers on chromosome, which was chosen because it has already been implicated in reading disabilities. His tests revealed differences in one site located in a gene for a hormone receptor that may be active in learning and memory. Plomin thinks variations in this gene or another nearby could account for 1 to 2 percent of the variance in IQ scores.

    To detect even smaller genetic contributions across the entire human genome, Plomin would need a lot more people and a thousand times as many DNA markers. Such large-scale studies seemed impractical until Plomin's colleague Michael Owen suggested scrapping the laborious genetic profiling of individual subjects. Owen proposed pooling subjects' DNA instead and combing the pooled DNA from each study group just once with the markers. Although DNA pooling can't determine with precision the frequency of alleles in a study population, says Plomin, it can point to differences between the normal- and high-IQ groups.

    Plomin has already used DNA pooling to identify three more sites linked with high IQ, this time on chromosome 4. By year's end, he and his colleagues will have screened hundreds of volunteers with 3 000 markers. Based on his results so far, he expects to find 20 to 30 more genes.

    And then what? It's almost inevitable, he says, that the genes for intelligence will be used to determine people's genetic IQ. But such tests wouldn't turn up much new information. "By measuring the parents' IQ, we can already predict a kid's IQ tremendously better than we will ever be able to predict it with a DNA test," Plomin explains. "And if schools were going to select kids on the basis of ability, they'd still do better by administering IQ tests. I think the implications for science are much greater than the social implications."

    The scientific implications could include a better understanding of the neural pathways involved in global reasoning, learning, and memory. Identifying and tracing the products of smart genes could help researchers understand the origins of these abilities, with potentially far-reaching consequences.

    "If we knew more about the developmental aspects of [intelligence] genetics, we'd have a more realistic appraisal of what strands of development are modifiable, to what extent, and when," says Craig Ramey, a psychologist at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, who designs intervention programs to raise the IQs of disadvantaged infants and toddlers10. "We're now using more of a shotgun approach."

    Still, some people may be unable to resist the idea of a genetic fix.

    "What will rouse the imagination for most people is: Can we remediate low intelligence or enhance normal intelligence through genetic manipulation or intervention?" says Linda Gottfredson, a psychology researcher at the University of Delaware. "There's certainly a big push to develop drug-enhancement strategies. So why not genetic enhancement?"

    Although it's true that each smart gene has a small effect, Gottfredson says, even tiny boosts in IQ are significant. The first gene that Plomin found, for example, accounted for up to 2 percent of the variance in IQ scores. That translates into four IQ points—not a sizable gain for an individual. But tweaking just a few more genes of comparable effect could give a person a 15-point leg up on the smart scale. "And 15 IQ points is a considerable advantage," Gottfredson says. "That's the difference between doing OK in high school, but no more, and doing great in college. Fifteen points will get you a different kind of job, get you into a different kind of neighborhood, with different friends, a different kind of life. I'd take it."

    It's just this kind of scenario that fuels the controversy surrounding the search for smart genes. No method for genetically boosting IQ currently exists, of course, but strides in gene therapy might someday make it possible. Plomin says his intent is more modest. "It is definitely the basic science that drives me. And I had hoped that, after I did this quietly for a few years, people would be more accepting of genetic influence in the area of intelligence."

    If his latest project goes as planned, Plomin's years of quiet gene hunting may soon provoke another unquiet round in the intelligence debate.

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    普洛明已经利用DNA汇集法又确认了三个与高智商相连系的部位,这次是在染色体4上的。到年 底时,他和他的同事们将会完成对好几百个有3000个标记的志愿者进行的实验。基于目前的研究成果,他期望再找到20至30个基因。











Text 2

The Different Ways of Being Smart

by Sara Gilbert


    Book smarts, art smarts, body smarts, street smarts, and people smarts: These labels describe the various forms of intelligence and their use. As you might imagine, psychologists and other researchers into the nature of intelligence have come up with more formal terms for the types that they have isolated. One set of labels in common use is: convergent, divergent, assimilating, and accommodating. The converger and assimilator are like our book-smart person; the diverger, like our art-smart; and the accommodator, like our street-smart and people-smart.

    Whatever categorization we use, we will find some overlap within any individual. In fact, there are probably as many answers to the question "What are the different ways of being smart?" as there are people in the universe, because each of us is unique. We can't be typecast; we each have a wide spectrum of special talents.

    Still, you probably know well at least one person whose talents generally fall into each of our categories. Keep those people in mind as you read through the detailed descriptions of them.

    At first it might seem that each of those types must call on very different sorts of abilities to be smart in his or her own ways. But in fact, each of the categories of intelligence on our list must use the same ingredients: learning ability, memory, speed, judgment, problem-solving skill, good use of language and other symbols, and creativity. Also, the thought processes that go on inside the heads of people with those varying kinds of smarts include the same steps: planning, perceiving, imaging, remembering, feeling, and acting.

    Intelligence expresses itself in different forms, in part because of the differing physical qualities born and built into each person's body and brain, and in part because of the values and motivations that each person has learned.

    However, the fact that each kind of smarts makes use of the same steps means that anyone can learn or develop skills in any or all of the categories. Let's take a closer look at the many ways of being smart.

    A book-smart person is one who tends to do well in school, to score high on tests, including intelligence tests. He or she is likely to be well-organized, to go about solving problems in a logical, step-by-step fashion, and to have a highly developed language ability. Another label for a book-smart person is "intellectual," meaning someone who uses the mind more to know than to feel or to control, and a book-smart person is especially proud of having knowledge. That knowledge may range from literature through science to math, but it is probable that it is concentrated in one area. Research shows that different knowledge areas occupy different clusters in the brain, so that someone whose connections for complicated calculations are highly developed may have less development in the areas controlling speech and writing.

    Although as we've said, current research indicates that learning centers may be scattered throughout both hemispheres of the brain, the activities of the "logical" left side are probably most important in the lives of book-smart people. Book-smart people may also be creative: Many mathematical or scientific problems could not be solved, for instance, without creative insights, but the primary focus of a book-smart person is the increase of knowledge.

    Art-smart people, on the other hand, rely primarily on creativity. They create music, paintings, sculpture, plays, photographs, or other forms of art often without being able to explain why or how they chose a particular form or design. They are said to be "right-brained" people, because it appears that the control centers for such skills as touch perception and intuition—the formation of ideas without the use of words—lie in the right hemisphere. Artistic people tend to take in knowledge more often by seeing, hearing, and feeling than by conscientious reading and memorizing.

    An art-smart person may not do too well in school, not because he or she is not bright, but because of an approach to problem solving that does not fit in well with the formats usually used by teachers and tests. A book-smart person might approach a problem on a math test logically, working step-by-step toward the right answer, while an art- mart person may simply "know" the answer without being able to demonstrate the calculations involved. On a social studies exam, the book- mart person will carefully recount all the facts, while the more artistic one may weave stories and fantasies using the facts only as a base. In both cases, it's a good bet that the book-smart student will get the higher grade.

    People who are serious about becoming artists, of course, may need to absorb a great deal of "book knowledge" in order to develop a solid background for their skills. There are other overlaps as well: People with great musical ability, for instance, also tend to be skilled at mathematics, perhaps because of brain-cell interactions that are common to both processes. And in order to make use of any talent, art-smart people must have good body control as well.

    The people we're calling body-smart have a lot of that kind of body control. Most of them start out with bodies that are well put together for some kind of athletics—they may have inherited good muscular development for a sport like football, or loose and limber joints for gymnastic-style athletics. Or they may be people whose hands are naturally well coordinated for performing intricate tasks.

    But although the physical basis for their talent may come from their genes and from especially sensitive brain centers for motor control, to make use of their "natural" skills they must be able to observe accurately—to figure out how a move is made or an object is constructed—and they must think about how to do it themselves. This thinking involves a complex use of symbols that enables the brain to "tell" another part of itself what to do. In other situations, such as school, a body-smart person is probably best able to learn through some physical technique: In studying for an exam, for instance, he or she will retain information by saying it out loud, acting out the facts, or counting them off with finger taps. Although athletes or the manually talented are often teased as being "dumb" in schoolwork, that is not necessarily an accurate picture. To be good in using physical talents, a person must put in a lot of practice, be able to concentrate intently, and be stubbornly persistent in achieving a goal. And those qualities of will and self-control can also be put to good use in more "intellectual" achievements.

    Persistence is also an important quality of street-smart people. They are the ones who are able to see difficulties as challenges, to turn almost any situation to advantage for themselves. As young people, they are the ones who are able to make the most money doing odd jobs, or who can get free tickets to a concert that others believe is completely sold out. As adults, they are the business tycoons18, for instance, or the personalities who shoot to stardom no matter how much or little talent they have. A street-smart student may do well in the school subjects that he or she knows count for the most and will all but ignore the rest. When taking exams, street-smart people are likely to get better grades than their knowledge merits because they can "psych out" the test, and because, when facing a problem or question they cannot answer, they are skilled at putting on the paper something that looks good.

    To be street smart in these ways—to be able to achieve highly individualistic goals and to be able to get around obstacles that totally stump others—a person must draw upon a wide scope of mental powers. It takes excellent problem-solving ability, creative thought, good planning and goal setting, accurate perception, persistent effort, skill with language, quick thinking and a strong sense of intuition.

    Intuition plays a major role in people smart as well. This kind of intelligence allows a person to sense what others are thinking, feeling, wanting, and planning. Although we might tend to put this sort of skill down as basic "instinct," it actually relies on higher activities of the brain. People smarts rely on very accurate and quick perceptions of clues and relationships that escape the notice of many, and they include the ability to analyze the information taken in. A people-smart student can do well in school simply by dealing with individual teachers in the most productive way: Some can be charmed, some respond well to special requests for help, some reward hard work no matter what the results, and so forth. The people-smart student figures out easily what is the best approach to take. People with these talents also achieve well in other activities, of course—they become the leaders in clubs, and organizations, and they are able to win important individuals, like potential employers, over to their side. They would probably be typed as right-brained people, like artists, but their skill with language, both spoken and unspoken, is one that draws heavily on the left side.

    Have you been able to compare these types with people you know in your class, family, or neighborhood? Of course, no individual is actually a type: People with any one of the kind of smarts that we've described also have some of the others.






















——他们会成为俱乐部和团体的头头,他们还能把重要的人物,像潜在的老板,拉到他们这边来。他们可能会像艺术家那样被归入右脑型的一类人,但实际上他们语言的能力,不管是书面还是口头的,却是大大地利用了左脑 。




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