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A. Determining the main idea. Choose the best answer. Do not refer to the text.

   The main idea of the above section of the story is that  ________. ( )

(a) Paul the boy learned how to put money on horses in racing

(b) Paul, Oscar Cresswell and Bassett became good partners in races

(c) in order to be lucky and get his mother's attention , Paul tried his luck in horse races

(d) the family was poor and Paul tried to help by putting money on horses in racing

B. Comprehending the text.

   Choose the best answer.

1. In the beginning of the story, we are told that ________. ( )

(a) the mother loved her children very much

(b) the mother knew she could not feel love for her children

(c) the children knew that their mother loved them

(d) the mother was always gentle and anxious for her children

2. The family had a strong sense of the shortage of money and ________.( )

(a) they were not able to live in style

(b) the father did not have a job

(c) the mother did not want to work to help

(d) the mother tried various things to improve the situation

3. When the boy said that God had told him he was lucky, the mother ________. ( )

(a) believed him

(b) paid no attention to him  

(c) was angry

(d) said nothing

4. When the mother saw her son riding the rocking-horse, she was _________. ( )

(a) pleased

(b) worried

(c) interested

(d) indifferent

5. The boy learned racing from __________. ( )

(a) Bassett

(b) Oscar

(c) Joan

(d) Sansovino

6. When the boy decided to pick Daffodil, his uncle _________. ( )

(a) followed his advice immediately

(b) didn’t believe him

(c) admired him

(d) refused to give him any money

7. After the boy won on Daffodil, he had in his possession ________ in all. ( )

(a) twenty pounds

(b) forty pounds

(c) fifteen hundred pounds

(d) nineteen hundred pounds

C. Understanding vocabulary.

Choose the correct definition according to the context.

1. Everybody else said of her: "She is such a good mother. She adores her children." ( )

(a) likes very much

(b) worships

(c) is considerate to

(d) takes care of

2. They lived in a pleasant house, with a garden, and they had discreet servants, and felt themselves superior to anyone in the neighborhood. ( )

(a) careful

(b) numerous

(c) decent

(d) distinctive

3. But though he had good prospects, these prospects never materialized. ( )

(a) became rich

(b) became actual fact

(c) succeeded

(d) started

4. When the two girls were playing dolls in the nursery, he would sit on his big rocking-horse, charging madly into space, with a frenzy that made the little girls peer at him uneasily. ( )

(a) strange behavior

(b) wild excitement

(c) tremendous force

(d) sudden start

5. Wildly the horse careered, the waving dark hair of the boy tossed, his eyes had a strange glare in them. ( )

(a) raced at full speed

(b) turned mad

(c) was under control

(d) got out of hand

6. The uncle was delighted to find that his small nephew was posted with all the racing news. ( )

(a) given to

(b) keen on

(c) curious about

(d) informed with

7. He pursued the matter no further, but he determined to take his nephew with him to the Lincoln races. ( )

(a) discussed

(b) questioned

(c) went after

(d) probed

8. Only, you’d have to promise, honor bright, uncle, not to let it go beyond us three. ( )

(a) not to let it become incomprehensible

(b) not to let others know

(c) not to be overcome by it

(d) not to lose control of it


D. Discussing the following topics.

1. Do you think the family was really poor?



2. Do you agree with the mother over her interpretation of being rich and being lucky? Why?


3. How did the boy find the winning horse in a race?




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