您现在的位置:首页>>英语泛读教程三>>UNIT 6


A. Determining the main idea.

   Choose the best answer. Do not refer to the text.

The main idea of the text is that _____. ( )

(a) a group of young people went skiing in a high mountain and one was lost

(b) a rescue team looked for a missing skier and finally saved his life

(c) a skier lost his way in the mountain but he was soon able to get back

(d) a local rescue team found a missing young skier after great hardships

B. Comprehending the text.

   Choose the best answer.

1. The narrator knew that Carl was missing because _____. ( )

(a) Carl’s group members told him

(b) he overheard Carl’s group members talk about it

(c) the mountain policemen informed him

(d) he saw Carl skiing on the way to the steilstufen hours ago

2. When the rescue team went to search for Carl, they were _____. ( )

(a) sure that they would find Carl

(b) very upset and afraid

(c) unwilling to risk their own lives

(d) optimistic but also very cautious

3. Before the rescue team set out, ________. ( )

(a) the narrator told his parents about his participation in a mountain rescue team

(b) they notified the gendarmerie and asked for assistance  

(c) the narrator asked his group members to join the rescue team too

(d) they were paid for their help

4. How did the rescue team reach the summit of the mountain? ( )

(a) They were taken for a special run in a cog railroad train.

(b) They climbed up the summit on foot.

(c) Hugo took them to the summit in his car.

(d) They rented a helicopter from the mountain police.

5. Carl was found ______. ( )

(a) in the mountain valley

(b) in the Kraxelbuam hut

(c) on an earlier train to Vienna

(d) beside a huge broken-off bough near the second steilstafe

6. It can be assumed from the text that Carl was _____. ( )

(a) a bold man willing to take challenges

(b) an evil man like a devil

(c) an inexperienced skier

(d) an irresponsible group member

7. When the rescue team found Carl, he ______. ( )

(a) was unconscious but still alive

(b) was frozen to death

(c) was in pretty good condition

(d) was slightly injured

8. How was Carl involved in the accident? ( )

(a) A big, snow-laden bough broke off directly above him and he became unconscious.

(b) He fell off the cliff carelessly.

(c) He knocked into a big tree and was seriously wounded.

(d) He lost his way and was bumped by a passing skier.

9. According to the narrator, if the rescue team could not find Carl, ________. ( )

(a) Carl would soon have died of shock and hypothermia

(b) Carl would have escaped the tragedy by himself

(c) other skiers would have saved him when they saw him

(d) Carl would have telephoned the mountain rescue team for help

10. The two steilstufen _________. ( )

(a) were so steep that even an excellent skier could not reach

(b) were very challenging and attracted many skiers to have a try

(c) were guarded by local policemen and rescue teams in case of accidents

(d) had the most beautiful scenery and best mountain inns

C. Understanding vocabulary.

   Choose the correct definition according to the context.

1. The energetic ones climb up on foot, while the more complacent ones ride up on a cog railroad. ( )

(a) self-satisfied

(b) competitive 

(c) cooperative

(d) composed

2. I heard their frantic shouts, "Carl! Carl!" and saw them scurrying around, looking for him, in vain. ( )

(a) screaming

(b) hurrying

(c) straying

(d) scuffling

3. Then the Payerbach-Reichenau voluntary mountain rescue team walked in, each man carrying a full rucksack. ( )

(a) canvas bag

(b) traveling suitcase

(c) sleeping bag

(d) rugged clothes

4. The eight of us reconvened, advanced about half a kilometer, and repeated the search to both sides of the main truck, in vain. ( )

(a) gathered again

(b) had another meal

(c) set out again

(d) had a discussion

5. We pushed ahead, at times having to duck under more snow-bent branches. ( )

(a) run carefully

(b) dive forward

(c) lower our heads

(d) walk quietly

6. We had stepped into a clearing. ( )

(a) a clean place

(b) an open space

(c) a straw hut

(d) cleavage

7. That was a close call. ( )

(a) narrow escape

(b) severe danger

(c) prompt reply

(d) actitricky trap vates

8. He was lying in the snow motionless. ( )

(a) expressionless

(b) unmoving

(c) listless

(d) restless

9. His body felt cold, I couldn’t feel his pulse, he was just barely breathing, but thank God, his pupils were constricted. ( )

(a) constant

(b) constrained

(c) becoming smaller

(d) shining

10. I also noticed a one inch laceration of his scalp, surrounded by blood-caked hair, and a deformity of his left leg. ( )

(a) deep wound

(b) bandage

(c) hairpin

(d) ribbon

11. "Then start it at once while I'm splinting his broken leg." ( )

(a) protecting with a flat piece of wood

(b) dressing with medicine

(c) performing a surgery

(d) cleaning the wound

12. He was now breathing on his own and had a palpable, though rapid pulse. ( )

(a) unsteady

(b) evident

(c) weak

(d) irregular

13. He was famished, we fed him broth made from dried soup found on a kitchen shelf, and chocolate plus candy from our trail lunches. ( )

(a) recovered

(b) unconscious

(c) very hungry

(d) scared


D. Discussing the following topics.

1. What do you think of the narrator? What can you learn from this story?



2. Have you ever experienced any great danger? If yes, share your story with your classmates.




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