您现在的位置:首页>>英语泛读教程三>>UNIT 7

1. 课文一 2. 课文二

Text 1

The Dog That Nobody Wanted


    King, a police dog, was neglected until he was discovered by Brian Gallagher. The following is an interesting story of how King turns out to be the No.1 "narco" dog in New York City.


    Staring at the creature in the small cage, Brian Gallagher knew he'd met his match. The dog's black eyes stared back fearlessly and challengingly.

    "You don't want that one," an attendant said. "Nothing but trouble."

    "I'm a cop," Gallagher shot back. "Trouble's my business."

    "Yeah, well, this dog was leading a pack that was running wild. Nobody wants him." The attendant motioned toward a door to the room where animals were put to sleep.

    Gallagher looked at the card attached to the cage: "Part German shepherd. Part husky. Think he's called King." The dog growled, flashing white teeth. Greasy hair stood out around his neck, making his large head appear even bigger. Gallagher took a towel from a paper bag, rolled it, and waved it slowly in front of the cage. King's eyes watched the towel. When Gallagher held it closer, the dog moved suddenly, clamping his powerful jaws on the heavy wire mesh.

    "Told you," said the attendant. "Too wild."

    "Unlock it," Gallagher said.

    "You kidding?"

    "Go ahead. He'll be okay."

    The attendant shook his head, unlocked the cage and quickly stepped back. Gallagher bent low, eye-level with King. The dog watched intently, growling deep in his throat.

    "Okay boy," Gallagher said softly, slowly opening the cage. Carefully he held out his hand, palm down. The dog sniffed. Then the cop offered the rolled towel. At once, King snatched it. Seconds later, the towel lay in pieces.

    Gallagher moved back, allowing King out of the cage. The attendant flattened himself against the wall. "You crazy?"

    King bounded out. His eyes passed over the frightened attendant and focused on Gallagher, who threw another rolled towel down the 60-foot hall. King was off like a rocket. Half-way down, he started skidding on the floor. His backside crashed against the far wall. But he had the towel, which he raced back to Gallagher.

    He's got real spirit, thought Gallagher as the two played tug of war. Then he tried to pull King back into his cage by tugging the towel. Instantly, King's massive jaws clamped around his forearm.

    "Okay, you win," Gallagher said. "You don't like being told what to do. Neither do I." Slowly he reached for the towel with his free hand and tossed it into the cage. As if to say, "Don't try that again!" King applied a bit more pressure before releasing Gallagher's arm. Then, on his own, he trotted into his cage.

    "I'll be back to pick him up," Gallagher told the wide-eyed attendant.

    As Brian Gallagher left that day, he was already having second thoughts. It's crazy. How do I know that dog won't tear me apart—like the towels?

    He remembered his former canine partner——a magnificent white German shepherd named Buddy. For seven years, Gallagher and Buddy had been together, patrolling by day and going home at night. Then the unthinkable happened. Buddy fell ill and within months the dog was dead.

    Gallagher joined the New York City Police Department but soon he began thinking of quitting the force." I just can't do it anymore," he told a chief.

    "What about working with dogs again?" asked the chief.

    "My wife can't take the dog hair," he lied. Gallagher had never told his boss why he'd left the canine division.

    "So what about narcotics? Those dogs don't go home with you. You take them out in eight-hour shifts, and they're back in the kennel. Keeps their sense of smell sharper."

    "That so?" It might be worth the risk—if he could find the right dog.

    Now, as he listened to the March wind, he thought, Okay, I may be crazy─but I think that wild dog in there would be a super cop.

     Gallagher immediately began King's training at the police department's canine center. There, a 5-by-30-foot training wall held a number of "traps"─small pockets covered with cardboard. In one, Gallagher had placed King's "toy"—a rolled-up towel—only now it was laced with heroin. Could he find it by scent?

    King seemed uninterested as Gallagher led him to the wall. Then the dog heard a rustle from a nearby bush and began straining toward it, barking furiously. The other kennel dogs joined in.

    "Easy, King, easy," yelled Gallagher.

    "Can't you keep that dog quiet, Gallagher?" Another officer had appeared in the doorway. Then he paused, curious. "How's he doing?" 

    "First rate," Gallagher said confidently. Then he muttered under his breath to King," Don't make a fool out of me! Find the towel!" Instead, King pulled Gallagher toward the far end of the wall and started scratching on an empty trap.

    "First rate, all right." The other officer laughed.

    "Got to be some traces of drugs in there," explained Gallagher, only half believing it himself. When the officer left, Gallagher said, "Okay, King, let's take a walk, then quit for the day."

    Walking with King through the streets, Gallagher recalled his own training and how the instructor had told the students to talk constantly to their canine recruits to build trust.

    "But what do we say to a dog?" one student had asked.

    "Tell him your life story," the instructor had replied. And that's exactly what Gallagher did now. Buddy was bigger than you, King—and a lot prettier," he confided. "But you've got the edge in toughness."

    Then the man knelt and held the dog's huge head in both hands. "Listen up, friend. I already lost one dog, and I'm not about to lose another. I have faith in you. You've got to stop playing around!"

    "New dog?" The narcotics detective was standing outside a building, waiting to go in for a search.

    "Yeah," replied Gallagher nervously. "Name's King."

    The dog looked scruffier than ever. He'd smashed his left ear, which now swiveled sideways while the other stood straight as a spike.

    The detective seemed skeptical. "We've been looking for two hours and can't find a thing. So whenever you and King there are ready ..."

    Two weeks before, King had passed his final test, but barely. He'd found the drugs the trainers had planted, but he had also gleefully torn an old mattress to pieces. Now came his first real job. If he tears up a couch and there's nothing there, we're dead, thought Gallagher as the dog raced up the building stairs, pulling him along.

    With King bounding ahead, Gallagher entered the apartment. Two young suspects sat at the kitchen table, eating pizza. "Hey, keep that dog under control," one of them said.

    King searched the living room, then the bedroom. Back in the kitchen, he began to growl. As the men at the table watched intently, he went to the oven, where the pizza was, and scratched on the door. "Pizza dog," one of the men laughed scornfully.

    Embarrassed, Gallagher directed King to the cupboards and the refrigerator. But King still strained toward the oven door.

    "I guess that is the end of it," sighed the detective. "You guys were lucky this time. Gallagher, thanks for your help."

    Gallagher, deeply hurt, started dragging King across the linoleum floor. Then he stopped. King hates pizza, he thought.     Opening the oven door, he flipped up the pizza box lid.

    "We checked that," the detective said.

    King pawed the door again, and Gallagher understood in a flash. He directed the detective to unscrew the oven door. As he did, one of the suspects ran. Instantly King leapt and, using his big head, knocked the man down. Then he stood over him, growling.

    The detective forced the door apart. Placed neatly inside were bags of white powder. The detective looked at the bags, then, at King, then at the two men, "Parmesan, anyone?"

    In practically no time King had established a reputation for an uncanny nose. He traveled to airports, seaports and houses. Over the next few years, King uncovered thousands of kilograms of illicit narcotics. But his greatest challenge was to come on January 23, 1994.

    It was an ordinary-looking truck, with storage boxes built in under the short, flat bed. Its driver and a friend—suspected drug dealers—were taken.

    "I know this thing is carrying drugs," said the detective in charge, slapping the bed of the truck. "But we can't hold these guys forever. Better get King over here."

    Half an hour later, a dark-blue van pulled into the district. Gallagher climbed out and opened the back. King was already barking excitedly and waving his tail.

    "King, old buddy!" the cops greeted him. The dog jumped out.

    Then he walked slowly around the suspect truck and sniffed. Approaching the rear, he stopped abruptly, stood on his hind legs, did a little dance and whined.

    "It's got to be somewhere in the truck bed," Gallagher said.

    The work of sawing through the bed began. As the district attorney paced, the men cut through the first layer of metal. Nothing.

The attorney frowned. "Are you guys sure there's something here?"

    "Don't know," said the detective, looking more tense. "Gallagher?"

    Gallagher shrugged. "If King says it's there, it's there." After they cut through more layers of steel, a hidden trap finally appeared. Inside, running the entire length of the truck's bed, were bag after bag of cocaine. They totaled 182 kilos and had a street value of $20 million—one of the largest narcotics seizures in New York history.

    Gallagher stroked King's massive head, pushing his swivel ear back. "You did good, you crazy dog. No more work today. Now," he said, holding a rolled-up towel, "we play!"

    "NYPD10 Dog Hits The Big One!" read the headline in a journal. Today King continues his career with a reputation as the No.1 "narco"11 dog in New York City—all, as the journal noted, "from the dog nobody wanted."

    Brian Gallagher still hunts with King every day—only now a gold detective badge is pinned to Gallagher's shirt. He conducts training seminars across the United States and teaches at a criminal justice school.

    When student cops ask him how to train a dog to become like King, Gallagher says," You can mold most any dog into a good canine cop. But King? He's molded my life. He's truly a once-in-a-lifetime dog."

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    金是条警犬,布莱恩·加拉赫发现 它之前,一直无人问津。下面一则有趣的故事讲的是金如何成为纽约第一缉毒犬 。






































































































Text 2

Some Sort of Magic

by Annette Foglino


    On a crisp fall morning, Michele Davis opened the barn door to feed Mac and brush him up. As sunlight streamed through the barn, the horse was wide awake and waiting in his stall, blowing steam through his nostrils in the chilly air. "There's a little girl coming to see you," Michele told him. "And she really needs your help."

    Later Teresa and Jeff Freshcorn came up the driveway toward Michele's home in West Mansfield, Ohio. With them was their four-year-old daughter, Jessika, who had withdrawn into her own impenetrable world. Her condition, delay onset autism, could not be effectively treated. But when the Freshcorns heard that Michele owned an old horse who had a special way with kids, they decided to give him a try.

    You really do work some sort of magic, Michele thought as she stroked Mac's neck. Indeed the horse had touched many lives over the years—and none more than her own.

    Back in 1979 Michele, then 32, was teaching Latin American literature at Ohio State University in Columbus. She often recalled how much she had enjoyed riding horses as a little girl. One day she decided to splurge on horse-jumping lessons at a local riding stable. She was paired with a black saddle horse, called Skunk for his distinctive white legs and white tail.

    Again and again Michele came back to ride and jump with the horse. She loved how he'd leap over fences without ever faltering. So when Michele learned he was for sale, she was thrilled—but confused. "Why are you letting such a good horse go?" she asked the owner.

    The owner explained that he guessed the horse was about 17 years old. "I want to find a good retirement home for him," he said.

    Michele knew that many horses don't live past 20. But the owner was asking only $1500. Michele thought it a fair price, and bought him.

    She immediately rechristened him McDougall—a name that match his dignified demeanor—and called him Mac for his easygoing nature.

    Walking Miracle

    In the next few years Mac continued jumping with ease. Meanwhile, Michele was intrigued that many people in the area seemed to recognize him. "I can't believe he's still around," they would tell her. "He must be pretty old."

    Michele traced Mac's birthplace to Columbus. There she found an old ranch hand who had worked at the stable where Mac was born. "It was 1948," he told her. "The owners bred that horse for color. They wanted a parade horse."

    The owners named him Mr. Tie & Tail for his shiny black coat and white flourishes. Michele also learned of Mac's subsequent names: Whispering Winds, One-for-the-Road, Houdini (for his ability to get out of a locked barn, a talent Michele discovered one night when he let all her horses out) and then Skunk.

    It was amazing: Mac appeared to be about 30 years old. To get a veterinarian's assessment, Michele consulted Dr. Ronald Riegel of Marysville, Ohio. When he finished with his exam, he shook his head and whistled. "This is the oldest horse I've ever seen," he said. Riegel, too, thought the horse was about 30.

    Michele marveled that Mac was still standing. When she rode him as a show horse in parades, he never missed one of her signals as she steered him into formation. Mac was a walking miracle.

    In 1986 Michele needed her own miracle. She had lost her university job and was broke. Eventually she was forced to sell Mac.

     The first two times she did, however, Mac got sick and the new owners returned him. Once back with Michele, Mac quickly got better. When a third buyer came around and handed Michele a check for $300, Mac collapsed. "What's wrong with him?" asked the shocked buyer.

    "I think he's dying," Michele said, giving the buyer back his check.

    This time Mac was seriously ill. He lay sprawled in the barn, trembling and sweating with a fever.

    Over the next few weeks neighborhood children would come by to check on Mac and talk to him. One little boy brushed his mane, and a little girl read to him. One afternoon when Mac heard the children coming up the driveway, he went to the window by his stall and whinnied. That's when Michele knew he was going to make it.

    Enduring Hero

    As Mac got better, however, Michele's problems intensified. Although she found another job at the university, she was still struggling to pay her bills. One day a neighbor phoned her at work to tell her that her barn was on fire. By the time Michele reached home, nothing remained but a pile of cinders. Rushing out into the pasture, she found her three surviving horses; among them was Mac.

    "When we opened the barn door, two horses tried to run back in," a firefighter told her. "But that old horse kept pushing them out into the field."

    The fire made Michele think she was jinxed. Unable to sleep one night, she went for a walk, ending up near the makeshift barn her neighbors helped her build. As she sat lost in thought, she looked up to see Mac standing quietly at her side. "You're old reliable, aren't you?" she said. "You'd never desert me."

    As Michele sat under the stars with Mac, she thought about how much he had endured. Time and again he had shown her how miraculous life could be.

    Michele resolved to press on too. In the 1990s, pursuing an interest in natural health, Michele began to work with children who suffered from various disorders. When word about her gentle old horse got around among the parents, she invited them to bring their children to visit Mac. It was then that Mac's special skills started to blossom.

    There was four-year-old Samuel, who suffered from hyperactivity. His parents found that after each visit with Mac, he would calm down for weeks. And shortly after three-year-old Payton started visiting Mac, he stopped wetting his bed. "How did you do it?" Michele asked the little boy. "I dreamed Mac told me not to," he said proudly.

    "Pretty Horsey"

    Mac's best magic, however, has been worked on little Jessika. When Teresa Freshcorn first contacted Michele in 1996, she was desperate. Jessika had stopped speaking, and her eyes never met anyone's. She only slept for 20 minutes at a time, and when she awoke she'd retreat to a corner. One of the things that hurt her parents most, however, happened when Jessika's seven-year-old brother, Tyler, would give his sister a hug: invariably she drew away.

    Michele suggested that seeing Mac might help. Upon arriving at Michele's house, Jessika just stared off into the distance. "Come into the barn," Michele said to her. "There's someone who wants to meet you."

    Despite Mac's slight swayback, the Freshcorns thought he looked quite dignified. Teresa asked Jessika, "Do you want to sit on the pretty horsey?”" The child already seemed transfixed with Mac, but when her father tried to pick her up, she squirmed away.

    Mac walked slowly toward Jessika and put his head way down so she could pet him. The little girl who never seemed to notice anything stared at him with wide eyes. Then Jessika's father placed her on Mac's back. She let out a squeal of delight, but Mac remained calm.

    Suddenly the girl quieted down and with curiosity began looking all around. Then came the most wonderful sound the Freshcorns had ever heard. A tiny voice called out, "What is that?"

    The voice came from Jessika—the same little girl who hadn't spoken a coherent sentence in over six months.

    "It's, it's a beautiful horse," Teresa sputtered tearfully.

    Jessika laid her back flat against Mac's, letting her arms dangle at his sides. That night, for the first time in over a year, she slept without waking up once. The next day she spoke two more sentences. First she asked for water, then she announced, "I want to play!"

    Today Jessika visits Mac at least once a month, and her progress continues. She communicates more regularly. Recently she tested normal for her age in alphabetical and numerical skills.

    One day while visiting Mac, Jessika began singing. Then noticing Tyler nearby, she motioned for him to come over and play. As he did, Tyler gave his sister a hug. This time, instead of recoiling, Jessika hugged him back.

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    随后的几年,麦克依然奔跳自如。 与此同时,令米歇尔不解的是,这个地区的许多人似乎都认得麦克。他们总对她说:“我无法相信这匹马还能活动。他肯定很老了。”






















































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