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A. Determining the main idea.

   Choose the best answer. Do not refer to the text.

The main idea of the text is that ________. ( )

(a) smoking is very harmful to one's health

(b) how the development of smoking habit can be guarded off

(c) actors and actresses are smoking less on the screen nowadays

(d) once inoculated, you can smoke safely

B. Comprehending the text.

   Choose the best answer.

1. According to C. Everett Koop, _________. ( )

(a) smoking is a medical problem

(b) when a smoker has a difficult time trying to stop smoking , it is a sign of weakness  

(c) smoking is a bad habit just like eating too much sweet food

(d) if people don't smoke, they will be called "chicken"

2. "A variety of skits" listed in the article include___________. ( )

(a) one in which a parent tries to persuade a son to stop smoking

(b) one in which a boy, because he wants to be accepted into a group, starts smoking against his will

(c) one in which a wife talks her husband into smoking

(d) one in which a girl refuses to be baited when offered a cigarette

3. The teenagers in the text are involved in the role playing to ___. ( )

(a) get themselves enough medical knowledge about nicotine

(b) train themselves into social workers to help heavy smokers

(c) make themselves able to resist a given temptation to smoking

(d) become familiar with the likely future social circumstances

4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a cause for smoking? ( )

(a) Fearing being different from others.

(b) Covering up one's awkwardness and shyness.

(c) Feeling more grown-up.

(d) Getting closer in feelings to Indians.

5. We can conclude from the article that a smoker tends to be ___. ( )

(a) with smelly breath and stained teeth or fingers

(b) a nice and agreeable person to be near

(c) of special competence in interpersonal skills

(d) good at persuading others and exercising self-control

6. The article lists all the uneasy conditions a smoker may experience but ______.( )

(a) being refused when applying for a job as the result of his habit of smoking

(b) receiving "no" when requesting for permission to smoke in his friends' homes

(c) having to steal a few puffs outside and then hurriedly chewing some breath mints to drive off the smell

(d) being cheered when declaring himself as an occasional smoker

7. The author's primary purpose in writing this article is to ________. ( )

(a) introduce a method in educating youths not to form unwelcome and harmful smoking habit

(b) show how difficult it is to get rid of smoking habit

(c) tell apart the good and bad reasons for smoking

(d) point out that in fact everyone dislikes smoking

C. Understanding vocabulary.

    Choose the correct definition according to the context.

1. They have said that smokers are hooked on their own kind of drug, nicotine. ( )

(a) addicted to

(b) puzzled over

(c) cheated into

(d) closely linked

2. What can you say when someone accuses you of being afraid to smoke? ( )

(a) cures...of

(b) accustoms...to

(c) charges...with

(d) admires ...for

3. Molly's character was someone who had decided not to smoke and resisted being branded a weirdo... ( )

(a) marked

(b) burnt

(c) stained

(d) stained

4. Molly refused to be baited. ( )


(b) tempted

(c) accepted

(d) threatened

5. Then she smiled at Bill and quickly steered the conversation to another subject. ( )

(a) shifted the course of

(b) gave a check to

(c) made full

(d) stopped

6. Boys and girls who have not yet started smoking can be exposed to a weak dose of "social germs"... ( )

(a) made known to

(b) left unprotected to

(c) thrown off to

(d) criticized for

7. Some of these may be: avoiding bad breath, reduced athletic stamina, stained teeth, and smelly clothing; not wanting to get hooked; and wanting control of your own actions; a sense of well-being today and good health tomorrow. ( )

(a) spirit

(b) skill

(c) performance

(d) power

8. ... many school programmes are toughening up young people. ( )

(a) hard boiling

(b) strengthening the will of

(c) making rougher

(d) being more strict with

9. In a totally nonthreatening environment, participants can rehearse skills that can be used in more highly pressured situations when their emotions might interfere with their intentions. ( )

(a) break away from nary

(b) get rid of

(c) contradict

(d) stand in the way of

D. Discussing the following topics.

1. Cigarettes are believed by some to play an important and effective role in interpersonal relations. What is your view?



2. What is your attitude towards smoking?




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