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 Course 3 > Translating Skills > Exercises > Sentences: English to Chinese (Level 2)
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Translation - Sentence - English to Chinese

Directions: Put the phrases below into Chinese.

1. Some young people start to learn how to behave themselves in work only after graduation from school.

Reference Key

2. The newspapers have advertised many small businesses for sale.

Reference Key

3. He informed his staff that he was going to Europe on business.

Reference Key

4. He undertook to improve the working arrangements in order to increase efficiency.

Reference Key

5. Thomas was not free from a fear of being dismissed if he refused to obey.

Reference Key

6. The relations between the management and the workers' union are rather strained.

Reference Key

7. The operator finally got me through to the manager's extension number after several attempts.

Reference Key

8. He got the job more by luck than management.

Reference Key

9. Nature had equipped the boy with two hands but not, apparently, with the brains to use them properly.

Reference Key

10. There are times for each of us when simple survival becomes deadly serious.

Reference Key

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