Cross-Cultural Experience
 Several years ago, I went to live in Korea for a couple of years. Everything was new to me at first. Some things were similar to the States, but a lot of things were really different.

  I had been in Korea for less than a week when I was invited to a truly wonderful dinner. There were many people seated around a long table. And on the table were many dishes with a variety of foods. Some were familiar - rice, fish, beef and vegetables such as spinach and cabbage. But some looked really strange. I had no idea what they were. And then I looked to my left and was shocked to see a plate of small fried grasshoppers - yeah, that's right, insects - the insects that you usually find in your garden, eating up your flowers. I thought, "My God, it seems that people here eat insects. If I'm gonna live here, I'll have to learn to eat them, too." But this was very, very difficult to do. I looked at these grasshoppers for a long time, and I imagined them looking at me. I really, really didn't want to eat them. Finally, after a long time, I put one in my mouth. It actually tasted pretty good, but it felt terrible. I could imagine all those little elbows and knees crunching as I chewed. I ate one more and felt really 17proud of myself. That night, I wrote letters home, telling my family how people in Korea eat insects.

  Anyway, for the next year and a half, I never saw another grasshopper - except sometimes in a garden. I asked someone about this once, and he laughed and said: "Oh, nobody here eats grasshoppers. Maybe 500 years ago, kings and queens ate them sometimes, but not now. Nobody now."

Korea [ k[5ri[ ] 朝鲜,韩国
be similar to 相似于
invite [ in5vait ] vt.&n. 邀请
truly [ 5tru:li ] ad. 确实地
seat [ si:t ] vt.&n. 使坐下;座位
variety [ v[5rai[ti ] n. 多样性
familiar [ f[5milj[ ] a. 熟悉的
beef [ bi:f ] n. 牛肉
spinach [ spinitF ] n. 菠菜
cabbage [ 5kAbidV ] n. 卷心菜
strange [ streindV ] a. 陌生的
shock [ FCk ] vt.&n. (使)震惊
fry [ frai ] vt.&vi. 油炸
grasshopper [ 5grB:shCp[ ] n. 蚱蜢
insect [ 5insekt ] n. 昆虫
gonna [ 5gCn[ ] (非标准用语)将要(going to)
imagine [ i5mAdVin ] vt.&vi. 想象
actually [ 5AktFu[li ] ad. 实际上
taste [ teist ] vt.&vi.&n. 体味;感觉味道…;味道
pretty [ 5priti ] a.&ad. 漂亮; 非常
elbow [ 5elb[u ] n. 手肘
knee [ ni: ] n.膝盖
crunch [ krQntF ] vt.&vi.&n. 发出嘎吱声; 咬碎
chew [ tFu: ] vt.&vi.&n. 咀嚼
anyway [ `enimei ] ad. 无论如何
maybe [ 5meibi ] ad. 大概,或许