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1. adulation: praise more than necessary or deserved (to win favor), fulsome praise, flattery, fawning/ abuse, hatred, ridicule, defamation, condemnation, denunciation, dislike
2. worship: adoration, veneration
3. a high priest: a chief priest in charge of special acts of religion. It can also be used figuratively to refer to a prominent person who has a position of leadership in some field.
4. reverence: deep respect, esteem regard homage, deference, veneration worship, awe, piety/ irreverence, hatred
5. act out: to give expression to (thoughts, unconscious feats) in actions and behaviors rather than in words; perform
6. fantasy: fancy, imagination, real of dreams, make-believe
7. clown: comedian, jester, fool, comic, funnyman, joker, humorist
1. idle: trifling, trivial, valueless, vain, useless, pointless, aimless, good-for-nothing, unimportant
2. Music expresses its times: Music reflects the feelings and beliefs of the people of a particular society; Music reflects the characteristics of the times in which it is composed. While this is true of rock and roll, many people, especially musicians, might argue that classic music expresses themes that transcend time.
1. force: a person or thing that has a strong enough influence to cause wide-spread changes in a way of living; or having uncontrollable power over living things
2. Rock music… is really a sociological expression: Rock music is a sociological phenomenon expressing the likes and dislikes of a particular group of people in a society.
3. embody: include, incorporate, collect, contain, bring together
4. frown: show disapproval of, displeasure at



Unit 1: Four Choices for Young People
Unit 2: Rock Superstars: What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society?
Unit 3: A Most Forgiving Ape (part one)
Unit 4: A Most Forgiving Ape (Part Two)
Unit 6: A Lesson in Living (Part Two)
Unit 7: I'd Rather Be Black Than Female
Unit 8: The Trouble With Television
Unit 9: On Getting Off to Sleep
Unit 10: Why I Write?













