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1. golf course: a stretch of land more than 6000 yards long with natural or artificial obstacles such as trees and sand-filled bunkers. Distributed over the course are a series of 9 or 19 holes 100-600 yards apart from one another. The winner is the one who drives the ball with one of a set of long-shafted clubs into each hole with the fewest strokes.
2. croquet: an outdoor game played on a lawn in which wooden balls are knocked with long-handled wooden mallets through a series of small wire arches, called wickets, set in the ground
3. bowls: a game played on a lawn by rolling a wooden ball to touch a small white ball (the jack) at the opposite end of the rink, or to get as close as possible. The ball is slightly weighed on one side to make it run a curved course. Bowls can also mean ninepins or tenpins, a game in which bottle-shaped pins are used instead of the jack. This has developed into the modern game of bowling, and indoor game played by rolling the ball down a wooden alley at ten bottle-shaped pins set in a horizontal line. A skillful player can make the ball knock down all ten pins at once. In modern bowling, the ball is not made of wood but of plastic or hard rubber with a hole for the bowler’s thumb and one or two for the fingers. Which particular game of bowls the author refers to in the text is not clear.
4. squash: a game played in walled place, like a tennis; squash rackets, a game played in a four-walled court with a special racket and soft ball. The two players strike the ball one after the other. It is in play so long as the ball hits the front wall above the line drawn on it and rebounds off the front wall against any of the other walls.
5. verify: confirm, prove, certify
6. lusher: more comfortable in terms of wealth
7. passable: usable
8. It is, however, not Africa that the traveler comes to see: Despite its grandness and luxuries, Kabale is not the kind of African scene the travelers come to see. They come to see the natural beauty of Africa.
9. changing for dinner: taking off the clothes he wore by day and putting on his evening clothes for dinner; Traditionally in the West, formal evening dress for men is white bow-tie and tails or black bow-tie and dinner jacket, and for women, a full length dress.
10. It was not that we…just possibly happen: We decided to make the trip not because we are eager to see a gorilla just like the non-professional deep-sea fisherman who are anxious to catch deep-sea fish like marlin or sailfish; we did that just because were right in the Africa where everything was in its original natural state and we might find some unexpected things.
1. game warden: official in charge of hunting affairs at a place
2. Mr Baumgartel was not unoptimistic: He was neither pessimistic nor very optimistic, thinking there was the possibility of seeing some gorillas.
3. prospect: probability of success, likelihood/ expectation, hope, promise
4. fleeting: brief, passing, quick, swiftly passing, temporary/ lasting, permanent, enduring

Unit 1: Four Choices for Young People
Unit 2: Rock Superstars: What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society?
Unit 3: A Most Forgiving Ape (part one)
Unit 4: A Most Forgiving Ape (Part Two)
Unit 6: A Lesson in Living (Part Two)
Unit 7: I'd Rather Be Black Than Female
Unit 8: The Trouble With Television
Unit 9: On Getting Off to Sleep
Unit 10: Why I Write?





















