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  Now your place:Advance English 1 >> Unit 8 >> Exercise Today is:  
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2. Explanation
1) If you fit the statistical averages, by the age of 20 you will have been exposed to at least 20 000 hours of television. (Para. 1)  
2) The dullest, the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem miraculous to those who never concentrate on anything. (Para. 3)  
3) It sells instant gratification. (Para. 3)  
4)Television’s variety becomes a narcotic, not a stimulus. (Para. 4)  
5) … television operates on the appeal to the short attention span. (Para. 5)  
6) In its place that is fine. (Para. 7)  
7) I think the technique fights coherence. (Para. 8)  
8) … some 30 million adult Americans are “functionally illiterate”. (Para. 10)  
9) Yet its dominating communications instruments, its principal form of national linkage, is one that sells neat resolutions to human problems that usually have no neat resolutions. (Para. 12)  
10) I think this society is being force-fed with trivial fare. (Para.  

Supplementary reading:
Lesson Eleven Diogenes and Alexander in College English Book III.

Unit 1: Four Choices for Young People
Unit 2: Rock Superstars: What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society?
Unit 3: A Most Forgiving Ape (part one)
Unit 4: A Most Forgiving Ape (Part Two)
Unit 6: A Lesson in Living (Part Two)
Unit 7: I'd Rather Be Black Than Female
Unit 8: The Trouble With Television
Unit 9: On Getting Off to Sleep
Unit 10: Why I Write?