1. eventful: unforgettable, significant, historic,
notable, noteworthy
There is no comparing notes with them: You can not
exchange feelings, ideas, comments with them.
3. no midnight confidence: you can not talk into late
night with them and share any common reflections.
No casting up the balance of the day’s pleasure and
pain: no calculating of how much pleasure and how
much pain you have had during the day (do not)
5. abominably: hatefully, contemptibly, abhorrently,
disgustingly, revoltingly, heinous, ignominious, villainous,
1. induce: persuade, influence, bring round, encourage
2. legion: great number, multitude, throng, sea, host,
3. ineffectuality: fruitlessness
4. George Herry Borrow: (1803-81) British author and
5. The Bible of Spain (1834, autobiographical and
fictitious writing: Lavengro (1851) and its sequel,
Romany Rye (1857); Wild Wales (1862). The author’s
wanderings and adventures.
6. impossible: stubborn, unyielding, unmanageable,
intolerable, unbearable
7. soporific: sedative, sleep-inducer; hypnotic
8. insomnia: the state of being unable to go into
9. malice: ill intent; evil intent; resentment, animosity,
enmity, hate
10. defy: oppose, challenge, confront, resist, stand
up to
11. muster: call to gather; assemble
12. cerulean: the color of the blue sky