


Assignment 1
Direction:Why is it misleading to say that “Rome fell in 476 because of Germanic Invasions”?
Your answer:

For your reference:
Eastern Rome survived.
Rome didn’t fall in a day.
Roman laws didn’t fall.
Christianity didn’t fall.
Roman language survived.

Assignment 2
Direction:Summarize how the invasions and conquests helped spread the Greek learning to West Europe.
Your answer:

For your reference:
  Muslim invasions
  The crusades
  The fall of Constantinople

Assignment 3
Direction:Watch the video and summarize the influence of the Crusades on Europe.

For your reference:
1. Constantinople sacked
2. Death toll: 2-6 million
3. Power of the Pope
4. Power of kings
5. Rise of cities
6. Commerce and trade
7. Learning

Assignment 4
Direction:Watch the video and summarize what motivated the Age of Exploration.

For your reference:
1. God
2. Glory
3. Gold