您现在的位置:首页>>英语泛读教程三>>UNIT 2

1. 课文一 2. 课文二

Text 1

The English Reserve and Politeness

    It seems to many people that the British are extremely polite and difficult to make friends with. Hopefully the following passage will help you to have a better understanding of the British character.


    To other Europeans, the best known quality of the British is "reserve". A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion, and seldom gets excited. It is difficult to get to know a reserved person; he never tells you anything about himself, and you may work with him for years without ever knowing where he lives, how many children he has, and what his interests are. English people tend to be like that. If they are making a journey by bus, they will do their best to find an empty seat; if by train, an empty compartment. If they have to share the compartment with a stranger, they may travel many miles without starting a conversation. If a conversation does start, personal questions like "How old are you?" or even "What is your name?" are not easily asked. Questions like "Where did you buy your watch?" or "What is your salary?" are almost impossible. Similarly, conversation in Britain is in general quiet and restrained and loud speech is considered ill-bred.

    This unwillingness to communicate with others is an unfortunate quality in some ways, since it tends to give the impression of coldness, and it is true that the English (except perhaps in the North) are not noted for their generosity and hospitality. On the other hand, they are perfectly human behind their barrier of reserve, and may be quite pleased when a friendly stranger or foreigner succeeds for a time in breaking the barrier down.

   Closely related to English reserve is English modesty. Within their hearts, the English are perhaps no less conceited than anybody else, but in their relations with others they value at least a show of modesty. Self-praise is felt to be ill-bred. If a person is, let us say, very good at tennis, and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will seldom reply "Yes," because people will think him conceited. He will probably give an answer like, "I'm not bad," or "Well, I'm very keen on tennis." This self-deprecation is typically English, and, mixed with their reserve, it often produces a sort of general air of indifference which appears to foreigners difficult to understand and even irritating.

    The famous English sense of humor is similar. Its starting point is self-deprecation, and its great enemy is conceit. Its ideal is the ability to laugh at oneself at one's own faults, one's own failures and embarrassments, even at one's own ideals. The criticism, "He has no sense of humor," is very commonly heard in Britain, where humor is so highly prized. A sense of humor is an attitude to life rather than the mere ability to laugh at jokes. This attitude is never cruel or disrespectful or malicious. The English do not laugh at a cripple or a madman, a tragedy or an honorable failure. Sympathy or admiration for artistic skill are felt to be stronger than laughter.

    Like a sense of humor, sportsmanship is an English ideal which not all Englishmen live up to. It must be realized that sport in its modern form is almost entirely a British invention. Boxing, association football, tennis and cricket were all first organized and given rules in Britain. Rules are the essence of sport, and sportsmanship is the ability to practise a sport in obedience to its rules, while also showing generosity to one's opponent and good temper in defeat. Moreover, sportsmanship as an ideal is applied to life in general. One of the most elementary rules of life is "never hit a man when he's down"─in other words, never take advantage of another person's misfortune. English school-boys often show this sense of sportsmanship to a surprisingly high degree in their relations with each other.

    Another feature in Britain is politeness. On the whole British habits of politeness are very informal. All politeness is based on the elementary rule of showing consideration for others, and acknowledging the consideration they show to you. "Excuse me" is used as an advance apology for troubling somebody, as when passing in front of him or interrupting his conversation, or when putting a question to a stranger. "Sorry" expresses regret for an accidental disturbance or breach of manners. It also takes the place of "no" when you cannot agree to a request or an implied request like "May I borrow your pen?" or "Do you know the time?" or "Have you any size seven shoes?" "Pardon?" is the polite way of asking somebody to repeat what he has said. In Britain, except at school, "please" is no longer used in asking permission to speak, and the phrase "No, please", so common abroad, would sound most unusual in Britain itself. "Yes, please" is the commonest use of the word, and is the opposite of "No, thank you" when replying to an offer. A bare yes or no is considered very rude in this case. Similarly, a polite request does not begin with "I want" or "I think", but with a phrase like "Will (or Would, Can, Could) you please...?" or "Would you mind...?" When the request is granted, and at any time when you are receiving something, however obviously you are entitled to it, you are always expected to say "Thank you".

    British people do not readily ask each other to do anything that would involve real inconvenience: they prefer to wait for such service to be offered, rather than ask for it. If they do ask, then the request is accompanied by an implied apology like, "I don't really like asking you, but..." or, "I know the trouble I'm causing you, but would you mind...?" and so on. Similarly it is often polite to refuse an offer of service by means of such a reply as, "Oh! please don't bother," followed by an explanation of why you can do without it. In fact, without being conscious of it, British people sometimes make offers purely out of politeness, not really expecting them to be accepted, and offers of this kind are refused with the same politeness.

    If you are invited into a person's home, there are other questions to consider. For instance, what time should you arrive? If it is a social occasion, not a business one, it is not polite to arrive early. Your hostess will be preparing for you, and will be most embarrassed if you arrive before she is quite ready. Ten minutes late is excellent. Half an hour late is excessive and requires apologies. Then too, the British are rather particular about table manners. The main thing is: to sit up straight, copy everyone else, gaily asking what to do if you are not sure, and keep the conversation going. What time should you leave? There are no rules, but it is most impolite to stay too late, as it implies a lack of consideration for your hosts. If it is simply an invitation to an evening meal and conversation, you will probably take your leave between ten and eleven o'clock. If you have been asked to stay for several days, you will conform as far as possible to the routine of the house, and your hostess will be very pleased if you give her a bunch of flowers, specially bought, before you leave.

    Politeness towards women is less observed today than it used to be. It is still considered polite to give up one's seat to a woman who is standing, to open doors for her, help her alight from the bus, carry things for her, protect her from the traffic, and so on, and the maxim "Ladies first" is well known. But now that women are the equals of men in having the vote, taking paid employment and receiving higher education, they receive much less consideration than formerly, for the whole basis of politeness towards women is the feeling that they need protection.

    The same principle applies to old people. If they are respected in Britain, it is because they are felt to be in need of protection and support. Old age and seniority alone do not command authority among the British, in fact modern life has been developing so fast that old people often appear tiresome and out of date. Thus, "We need some young blood" is often heard in organizations where the energy and modern methods of younger men are felt to be more likely to succeed than the long but partly irrelevant experience of older ones. The wisest of the older generation realize this. They either make an effort to remain young in heart and keep pace4 with the times or else they let younger men take their place.

    It follows that mature Europeans have no desire to grow old or to look older than they are. Women especially, for reasons of sexual attraction, long to "stay young" and there is no greater compliment to a mature woman than to be told "How young you look!" On the other hand, if a woman's hairstyle, make-up and clothes reveal an obvious effort to look artificially young, she is said to "look common," and is regarded with disapproval.



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Text 2

Does Anybody Really Care?


    This cry of despair is more common than we may realize. Some of us speak these words rarely; others say them every day─silently or aloud. To hear the cry for help requires extra-sensitive perception. We can hear it only if we listen with the third ear, a trenchant phrase of Theodore Reik.

    For example, I often visited a Negro friend in a home for the elderly. The place was sterilized and the environment was sterile. My friend was old, dispirited, and he wanted to die. He often said, "I'm a lost ball in the tall weeds." He felt unfulfilled. He knew that if he had been white, he could have been a successful professional man. "I think about this every day of my life," he said. Who cared about this Negro workman who had helped erect many buildings in downtown Columbus? Hardly anyone.

    We have been remiss both in caring for and caring about the elderly. Perhaps they suggest too strongly our own morality, the guilt we may deservedly or undeservedly feel about our own aging parents. The Great Society needs a more creative approach to what are euphemistically called the golden years. The program of the First Community Village in Columbus, Ohio, and other similar centers may be a happy augury of things to come.

    Edna St. Vincent Millay once said, "O world, I cannot hold thee close enough!" To care for people is to wish to be close to them, in their presence, to penetrate the mask we all wear. It is interesting that our comments about communication with other people include such expressions as "We were very close," "I was deeply touched," "He was greatly affected."

    To care deeply for persons is to see them not as plumbers, scientists, clerks, lawyers, mathematicians, or as white, yellow, or black. It is to see them as unique individuals with all their idiosyncrasies, strengths, and weaknesses, their similarities and differences. Caring is color-blind, uncalculating.

   To care or not to care is a problem of communication. Sol, the instrument maker in Dombey and Son talked to his nephew about Mr. Dombey. The nephew said, "I thought he didn't seem to like me very much." "You mean, I suppose," Sol replied, "that you didn't seem to like him very much." When the mutuality of caring does not take place, we often put the burden of its absence on the other fellow. We may thus hide our true feelings.

    Indeed, the popularity of the mask as an art form in all cultures suggests that we have a public face and a private face. Interestingly enough, the word "personality" comes from persona, meaning "an actor's mask." We ask reporters who know public figures intimately, "What is he really like?" Many articles appear with the heading, "What is the real John Smith like?"

    Perhaps our wish to unmask others but to remain masked ourselves betrays a fear that our weaknesses will be discovered and disapproved. And conversely, the revelation of our hidden strengths may appear boastful. Sometimes, too, we do not want to disclose openly our unfriendly attitude because it is socially unacceptable. When we are rejected by someone, we tend to say, "I couldn't care less," meaning "I couldn't care more." Or we may not want to reveal even to ourselves that we care deeply about someone, for fear of rejection.

    The wounds of rejection go very deep. Shakespeare said, "He jests at scars that never felt a wound." But even those who have been deeply hurt do not automatically learn to care for others in the same predicament. For example, a North Carolina high school boy was doing badly in his classes, and felt that no one really cared. The director of audiovisual instruction asked the boy to help build a high school radio studio. He did this skillfully and joyously, and his whole attitude seemed to change.

    But one day he said to my friend, "You know, some day I want to be a teacher." When asked "Why?" he replied, "Because I want to make other kids suffer like I have suffered." His wounds were only partially healed.

    All caring has hazards and the outcomes are uncertain. To care for others and to let them care for us is a creative experiment in communication in which we may get hurt. But the price paid, the risk of being wounded, is the price of all communication. It is because we ourselves are hurt that we can understand the Oliver Wendell Holmes, "A man must share the sorrows and joys of those around him under pain of not having lived."

   Some cannot exchange love because they are emotionally and psychologically barricaded against loving and being loved. Dostoevski has Father Zossima say, "Hell... is the suffering of being unable to love." This inability to care for others, to love and be loved, is a theme of many great books. Dombey, for example, could not communicate with his young daughter Florence. Of this, Charles Dickens writes:

    "There were some children staying in the house. Children who were as frank and happy with fathers and with mothers as those rosy faces opposite their home. Children who had no restraint upon their love, and freely showed it. Florence sought to learn their secret; sought to find out what it was she had missed; what simple art they knew, and she knew not; how she could be taught by them to show her father that she loved him, and to win his love again."

    Florence could give love but her father was unable to receive it from her.

    How do we learn to care for others and to welcome their caring for us? How can we develop children who have "no restraint upon their love and freely show it?" The translation of a desired value into reality is not simple. T.S. Eliot has pointed out that

    Between the idea

    And the reality...

    Between the motion

    And the act

    Falls the Shadow.

    How can we discipline ourselves to make the dream a reality?

    As teachers and parents we can talk less and listen more. We need more sensitive antennas. We are not picking up the faint signals of discouragement, concealed anger or fear of failure. The voice of despair may be weak and need amplification. And we must get these messages early, before they explode into violence and we shall be compelled to listen to angry shouting.

    It is not hard to care for people who are very much like ourselves. This is a form of self-admiration, narcissism. But it requires rigorous self-discipline to be concerned with, to care about those who are different. It is difficult to care for someone thousands of miles away, or for those at hand who do not act or dress conventionally─the so-called hippies, for example. We must ask, "What are they trying to say?" Are they asking, "Does anyone really care?"

    Is it possible that we are rejecting the ideas of young people in the guise of rejecting their style of dress? Remember, too, that conventional dress changes, as every woman knows. If we don't admire a person who is wearing a beard, long hair, and sandals, we must ask whether we would prefer to see Christ pictured with his shoes shined, his hair cut short, and clean-shaven. I have a friend who has a beard and who puts up his long hair like a woman. I might add that he is an Indian, a Sikh.

    We also have difficulty understanding people whose food habits are different than ours. However, the man who thinks it strange to eat raw fish as they do in Japan is fond of oysters on the half-shell. Some who think that bird's nest soup is "for the birds" enjoy eating the gelatin that comes from boiling the skins and bones of animals. And those cheeses that we like so well are made from milk that has stood long enough to putrefy. We do not use this word, however, but prefer nicer terms such as ferment, cure, or ripen.

    Caring develops best on a plane of quality, of mutuality. We unconsciously assume that our way of life is superior; that of other people's, inferior. I once heard a distinguished network broadcaster end an interview with some able foreign students by suggesting that on their return to their own countries they "spread the American way of life." How would he feel if, after visiting England, he was asked to spread the British way of life in the United States?

    We have expected gratitude from foreign countries for our gifts and loans. Look what we have done for them! But strong bonds of mutuality are not built in this way. Instead, they require that we care enough about people to do things with them rather than for them. Giving as unequals, we can easily develop an attitude of patronizing, immodest self-congratulation. We like to help the underdog, forgetting that this places us in the role of the overdog, the person who has the power to grant or to withhold favors.
    Are children grateful for what their parents do for them? They should be, considering how often they have heard about it. But caring and loving must not be evaluated too soon. Caring takes time. Love is patient.

    Caring must be learned. Children in the same family may differ markedly in their willingness and ability to share friendship and affection. Bonnie, at the age of three, already has a charm and grace in human relationships that her older brother still lacks. A seven-year-old boy announces that he will not give money to the Junior Community Chest. "There's something peculiar about it," he says. So his nine-year-old brother gives for both of them.

    No one expects to master the skills of tennis, basketball, or the dance by a few easy lessons. Hundreds, yes thousands, of hours of grueling, skillfully coached practice are necessary. Is it any different in matters of delicate human relationships? Caring requires the same disciplined practice.

    Are children and young people in school mastering the art of caring? Are the current heavy emphases on formal subject matter, on competition to get into college or graduate school resulting in more impersonal relationships between teacher and students? Are newer tools of technology which can be used with large groups actually decreasing the personal contact between teacher and student? They could be used to increase the interaction of student and teacher, to humanize the educational process─but are they?

    Christina says in Ignazio Silone's Bread and Wine that "In all times, in all societies, the supreme act is to give oneself to find oneself, to lose oneself to find oneself. One has only what one gives." But how often is this "supreme act" performed? How often do we give ourselves to find out who we are? Do we really care?


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