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Read the following newspaper leads and answer the questions.


The Wheels Turn In Army Strategy

Transformation to Cut Tanks' Role

    After decades of reliance on tanks, the Army plans to equip its newest armored units with lighter vehicles that move on wheels, a radical departure that reflects the Army's changing missions and has generated intense controversy inside the service, senior military and civilian officials said yesterday.


    1. What is the Army's plan?


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    2. What do people inside the service think about the Army's plan?


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    3. Where is the source of the news?


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2. TONY HALL, head of BBC News for the past eight years, has emerged as a surprise front-runner to take over as boss of the Royal Opera House. Hall, 49, who lists opera as one of his loves, is said by friends to "feel squeezed" by the new regime of Greg Dyke, the BBC director-general.


    1. What job has Tony Hall held for the past eight years?


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    2. What is his new job?


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    3. What are the other details about Tony Hall the man given in the lead?


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3. Lakeland, Florida (UPI) Charlie Smith, believed to be the oldest resident of the United States at age 137, was hospitalized Wednesday complaining of shortness of breath but was reported in fair condition and resting comfortably.


    1. Where is Charlie Smith now?


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    2. What do people believe about him?


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    3. What happened to him?


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4.                  3 Convicted, 1 Cleared

In LAPD Corruption Case

    LOS ANGELES, Nov. 15 ─ Two city police sergeants and one officer were convicted here today by a jury that found them guilty of conspiring to frame suspects, then falsifying arrest reports or lying in sworn court testimony. A fourth officer facing similar charges was acquitted.


    1. When and where was the sentence given?


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    2. What is the charge against the convicted?


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