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1. 课文一 2. 课文二

Text 1

The American Character (I)

by Bradford Smith

    The following is part of an essay taken from Bradford Smith's book, Why We Behave Like Americans. Success as a goal and materialism, according to Smith, are among the underlying factors that make up the American character.

    When visitors from abroad undertake to describe the American Character, the results are frequently puzzling to Americans.

    "All Americans are Puritans; that's what's wrong with them," says one.

    "They're always thinking about enjoying themselves," says another.

    "They spend too much time at work," a distinguished visitor tells us. "They don't know how to play."

    "Americans don't know what work is, " retorts another." Their machines do it all."

    "American women are shameless sirens."─"No, they're prudes."

    "The children here are wonderful─outgoing and natural."─"Natural as little beasts. They have no manners, no respect for their elders."

    There is, of course, no single pattern of American character any more than there is a single English or Turkish or Chinese character. Personality in America is further complicated by our diverse racial and cultural origins, by successive waves of immigration from all parts of the world, by our regional diversities. It is complicated by several hundred varieties of religious belief with their varying impact on the believers. It is further diversified by the generation to which the person belongs─first generation immigrant, second generation child of immigrants, and on down the line.

    The temptation is strong to lump all Americans together. Yet those who look a little deeper are puzzled by the seeming contradictions in American life. It is true that Americans as a whole work hard. But they also play hard. They spend more time and money in traveling, camping, hunting, watching sports, drinking, smoking, going to movies, watching television and reading newspapers and magazines than any other people in the world. Yet they also spend more money on churches, social services, hospitals and all kinds of charities. They are always in a hurry, yet they spend more time relaxing. They are at the same time sensitive to the rights of the individual and habitual conformist. They worship bigness yet idealize the little man, whether he be the small business man as opposed to the big one or the plain citizen as opposed to the big wheel.

    Success as a Goal

    One thing almost everyone is agreed on, including Americans, is that they place a very high valuation upon success. Success does not necessarily mean material rewards, but recognition of some sort─preferably measurable. If the boy turns out to be a preacher instead of a business man, that's all right. But the bigger his church and congregation, the more successful he is judged to be.

    A good many things contributed to this accent on success. There was the Puritan belief in the virtue of work, both for its own sake and because the rewards it brought were regarded as signs of God's love. There was the richness of opportunity in a land waiting to be settled. There was the lack of a settled society with fixed ranks and classes, so that a man was certain to rise through achievement.

    There was the determination of the immigrant to gain in the new world what had been denied to him in the old, and the part of his children an urge to throw off the immigrant onus by still more success and still more rise in a fluid, classless society. Brothers did not compete within the family for the favor of the parents as in Europe, but strove for success in the outer world, along paths of their own choosing.

    The English anthropologist, Geoffrey Gorer, sees the whole situation in Freudian terms. Europe is the father rejected by every immigrant who turned his back on his own culture in order to make a new life in America. The immigrant's struggle for success never ends, because there is no limit to the possible goal. The second generation child, in turn, rejects the alien parents because they cannot measure up to American standards. The only way he can soften the blow is to achieve a still greater success. All over America the lawyers, doctors, professors and politicians with Italian, Irish, German or Polish names testify to the urgency of this drive.

    Not to strive, not to take advantage of the opportunities in such a world, not to succeed where success was so available─these things naturally became a sort of crime against the state. To develop the resources of a new country required energetic people, bent upon using their energies─not only for the rewards that would result to themselves, but even more important, to the community. So material success in the United States is not looked upon as selfish. Its results are seen to have communal value.

    Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller built great fortunes for themselves. But they also built an economy which has brought a great deal of material well-being, higher health standards and better educational opportunities to millions of Americans. This is how it looks to us, anyway, from inside.

    A society which values competition so highly is inevitably an aggressive one, even though the laws carefully limit the forms aggression may take. It has a toughness about it which is good for the muscle tone of the economy but hard on some individuals. In our pioneering days this aggressiveness was essential to survival. Now it can be a menace to society. The factory worker who reaches a dead end and sees himself stuck in the same job year after year may take out his aggressive feelings in race hatred or fighting management, or he may even turn it against himself by way of alcoholism, proneness to accident, or neurotic behavior.

    Since a high regard is felt for success, the rewards are high. Money is rarely cherished for itself in America; it is rather a symbol and a tool. As a man's status rises, the demands upon him also increase. He is expected to give liberally to the hundreds of voluntary associations which nourish and minister to the community. Look at the Who's Who entry for any prominent business man, and you are likely to find him involved in an amazing number of committees and associations organized for the public good.

    This striving for success and prestige, according to psychologists, is a way of overcoming fears and a sense of inner emptiness. In a mobile society an energetic person can hardly help matching himself against others and seeing how far he can go.

    Such a system is fine for those who have it in them to succeed. It is not so good for the mediocre. The fear of failure, the fear of competitors, the loss of self esteem─these arouse tensions that some people cannot handle. In their turn they produce an excessive craving for love. So love and success are linked. Gorer believes that most Americans by the time they are adolescents have confused two ideas: to be successful is to be loved, and to be loved is to be successful. Mothers help to impose the pattern by showing affection and admiration when their children do well at school and by withholding affection when they fail.

    Since there are no limits of class, inherited occupation or education to hold a child back, there are, in theory, no limits to what he can achieve. Consequently there is no point at which he can say: " There, I've done it. From now on all I have to do is to hold on." Since any boy can, in theory, become President, striving is a moral obligation. Achievement, not class, is the standard by which men are judged. There is little or no glory attached to being born wealthy or privileged; the real test is how far you climb from where you started.

    Americans love work. It is meat and drink to them. In recent years they have learned how to play, but they make work of that too. If it's skiing, they throw themselves at it with an effort that would kill a horse. If it's a vacation, they travel five or six hundred miles a day, take in the sights at sixty miles an hour, pause only long enough to snap pictures, and then discover what it was they went to see when they get home and look at the photographs.

    Until very recently there has always been a great deal of work to do in this country, a great deal that needed doing. At the beginning men of all sorts and conditions had to pitch in. The preacher had to fell trees and plough fields. The teacher, the doctor and the magistrate had to shoulder guns for the common defense. The farmer made his own tools, harness, household equipment. He was blacksmith, carpenter, tinsmith, brewer and veterinary all rolled into one, as his wife was spinster, weaver and doctor.

    Americans still like to be handy at all things. College professors go in for making furniture or remodeling an old house in the country. Bankers don aprons and become expert barbecue chefs. Nearly everyone knows how to use tools, make simple repairs to plumbing or electrical fixtures, refinish furniture or paint a wall. Far from being thought a disgrace if he performs these "menial" tasks, a man is thought ridiculous if he does not know how to perform them.

    Along with this urge to be jack-of-all-trades goes a willingness to change from one occupation to another. It surprises no one in America when the banker's son becomes a farmer or vice versa. Or when a college professor shifts into industry, or a young man who starts out with a truck purchased on credit ends up running an enterprise with fleets of trucks spanning several states. President Truman was a farmer, an operator of a haberdashery and an army officer before he turned to law and politics. James Bryant Conant, first a chemist, then President of Harvard University, resigned this highest post in the academic world to become High Commissioner and then Ambassador to Germany.

    "For a European," writes Andre Maurois, "life is a career; for an American, it is a succession of hazards."

    A single individual can be at once an intellectual, a Boy Scout leader, a business man, a sportsman, a dabbler in music or painting, a nature-lover, and one who does many of his own household chores. An employer, he may go hunting with his own or someone else's employees. A shopkeeper, he may run for local office and be on familiar terms with professional men and government officials. He will live on several levels which in other countries might be separated by class distinctions.

    The emphasis on success and achievement, coupled as it is with a desire to be loved and admired, leads to a critical dilemma of personality. To succeed one must be aggressive; to be liked, one must be easy-going and friendly.

    One way out of the difficulty is to acquire groups of friends─lodge brothers, members of the same church, a veteran's organization─towards whom you are pledged in friendship. Having thus acquired assured friends, you can practice your aggression on those who don't belong. This pattern explains to some extent the suspicion or hostility towards those of other races or religions.


    The men and women who staked everything on America were for the most part poor. They struggled hard, went without, and saved in order to build up a business or buy a farm of their own. The freedom to own rather than the freedom to vote was the magnet that drew the majority of them across oceans. Naturally enough they put a high value upon the land or the business they acquired through their own efforts.

    In contrast with this natural acquisitiveness of the new arrivals, the American attitude toward money is quite different. As the German psychologist Hugo Munsterberg observed, the American "prizes the gold he gets primarily as an indication of his ability.... It is, therefore, fundamentally false to stigmatize the American as a materialist, and to deny his idealism.... The American merchant works for money in exactly the sense that a great painter works for money ─" as a mark of appreciation for his work.

    The acquisition of money is important as the clearest proof of success, though there are other acceptable proofs─prominence, public notice, good works, fame. But the retention of money is not important at all. Indeed, it may be frowned upon if it keeps the owner from living well, subscribing generously to a long list of charities, and providing for members of the family who may have been less fortunate.

    So the materialism that strikes a visitor to America is not that of loving and hoarding wealth; it is a love of making and consuming wealth. It is probably a middle-class rather than a distinctively American phenomenon, for most Americans are middle-class.

    America has been blessed with a rich supply of raw materials. It learned during the depression that even a rich country can become impoverished if it fails to use its wealth to benefit the majority. And it does not propose to make that error again. A sizable portion of what it produces goes overseas, including agricultural and industrial machinery sent with the hope that standards of production and consumption can be raised in other parts of the world too.

    There is no denying the fact that the high level of production does lead to a high level of material comfort, and that Americans are mighty fond of having things that are new, shine, softly padded, conveniently arranged, efficient, and so far as may be, effortless. The bread comes already sliced so that the housewife need not exert herself to slice it. It used to be that when she put the bread in the toaster, she had to turn it once to toast both sides. Then came the toaster which did both sides at once, then the toaster which popped the toast out when it was done, so that she did not have to turn a handle to raise it. Soon, no doubt, there will be a toaster which butters the toast, cuts it in quarters, and puts it on a plate. Perhaps there is one even now.

    Food comes ready-cooked and frozen, vegetables already washed. Floor wax must be self-polishing, pens write for years without having to be filled. Storm windows change to summer screens at a touch. Heat is thoroughly automatic, and air conditioning keeps the house equally comfortable in summer. Automation now promises to put a final end to all drudgery, even to building in the controls which will keep the machines from making mistakes.

    Why is it that, having created a world in which he could live without raising a hand or taking a step, the American habitually seeks ways of letting off steam? His towns are full of bowling alleys, golf clubs, tennis courts, clubs, lodges, churches and associations into which he pours energy both physical and mental. The labor-saving gadgets, the love of comfort turn out to be ways of saving his time and energy for something else.

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    要是不奋斗,不利用这个世界的各种机会,极易有所成就却不能成功──这些无疑都是对国家的一种犯罪。开发一个新国家的各种资源,需要精力充沛的人不遗余力地发挥他们的充沛精力──不仅仅是为了他们会得到的回报,更重要的是给社会带来的回报。所以在美国,没有人把物质上的成功看成是自私的。成功的果实被看作具有全民共享的价值 。































    把赌注都押在美国的男男女女绝大多数是穷人。他们努力挣扎,忍气吞声,努力存钱,目的就是做点买卖,买个属于自己的农场。像磁铁一般吸引着他们大多数人远涉重洋的,是拥有财产的自由而不是投票的自由。所以他们很看重靠自己的努力得来的土地和 从事的事业。













    食物买的时候是煮熟的、冰冻的,蔬菜是已经洗干净的。地板蜡肯定是自动上光的,钢笔写上几年都不用上墨水。轻轻一按,防暴风雪的窗子就变成了夏天的屏幕。暖气是自动的,冷气使房子即使在夏天也一样舒适。自动化现在可以让人再也不用做单调乏味的工作,自动装置用在控制器中,机器再也不会出错 。





Text 2

The American character (II)

by Bradford Smith

    The Influence of the Frontier

    The special quality of American culture arises from what the American land and climate did to men who brought with them the glories and the burdens of European culture. Released from the feudal restraints which still clung to ownership even in the seventeenth century, they were driven by long hunger to possess land of their own. The hazards of settling that land-taking it from the Indian by treaty or battle, struggling through trackless forests to find it, hewing out homes and raising crops with nothing but a few simple tools, dying sometimes in battle or from weather or hunger─these hazards quickly changed into Americans the Europeans who survived. It was struggle that shaped the American spirit.

    The frontier experience, so strong in its impact, so harsh a teacher, brought new traits to the fore. The hard conditions of the daily life made for crudeness in manners. The competition for favorable land (or later for gold), the need to kill in order to stay alive, the absence of law and order made men touch, brutal sometimes, and quick to resort to brute strength. This violence has continued in such aspects of our life as gangsterism, race riots, corrupt politics, union racketeering and the violent political attack.

    Hard as the life was, it also offered great riches, sometimes for a small return. Hence the "get rich quick" philosophy─the belief that hard work and a little luck would turn all things into gold. Traders got rich furs from the Indians for mere trinkets. Out of the earth came gold, silver, oil─other than the shower of gold Zeus rained down upon Danae. Then came the robber barons to make vast fortunes by manipulating railroads, and finally the gambling in stocks which affected everyone until the Wall Street collapse in 1929.

    But the frontier fostered positive traits too. It encouraged energetic activity and dignified labor with the hands. It made of the independent, self-reliant farmer a symbol which still influences our national life. It produced a resourceful, inquisitive, practical-minded type, able to turn his hand to any sort of work, preferring to govern himself in small, easily adaptable to a new environment, relatively free of class distinctions, full of optimism and faith in the country which had rewarded him so well.

    All these traits live on, one way or another, in the contemporary American. The frontier has not disappeared with the spanning of the continent, or the end of homesteading. As a matter of fact, the government still has lands for homesteading which it disposes of at the rate of forty thousand to fifty thousand acres a year. More important, the pioneer spirit is deeply embedded in the American's concept of himself.

    The American Creed

    What then are the ideas or beliefs that shape American character?

    Says George Satayana: "This national faith and morality are vague in idea, but inexorable in spirit; they are the gospel of work and the belief in progress."

    Clyde Kluckhohn finds implicit in the American creed a faith in the rational, a need for moralistic rationalization, an optimistic conviction that rational effort counts, faith in the individual and his rights, the cult of the common man (not only as to his rights, but as to his massed political wisdom), the high valuation put on change and progress, and on pleasure consciously pursued as a good.

    Equally strong is the American's faith in his institutions. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution lay down the fundamental principles of self-government with such clarity and finality that we are prone to regard them as an American invention, or at any rate as principles and rights which are peculiarly ours. These hallowed documents provide us with basic principles which, thanks to their deistic background, are presented as coeval with creation and incapable of being questioned or upset. Therefore we do not have to agonize over basic principles; they are given us, once for all.

    The lack of reflectiveness which observers find in us arises partly from this conviction that our goals are set and do not need to be debated; we have only to work hard in order to reach them. To create, to build─to clear a new field, sink a new mine, start a new civic organization, develop a new business─this is what Americans admire. This is what they dream of. Like all creators, they are suspicious of critics.

    For this reason, and because they are active participants rather than passive observers, they feel obliged to defend the country against any outside censures, no matter how bitterly they attack its shortcomings themselves. De Tocqueville, much as he admired the United States, found this patriotism irritating. If you stop praising them, he complains, the Americans fall to praising themselves. What he observed, of course, was part of the love and be loved pattern which in spite of its naiveté has obvious advantages over the hate and be hated regimen which has determined so much of human history.


    The sense of humor is often the most revealing aspect of a culture. Surely humor has never been valued more highly in any civilization than in this one. Will Rogers is venerated as a national hero for his pungent, earthy comment on the American scene─for his gift of making Americans see what is ridiculous in themselves. Mark Twain, in many ways our most representative writer, is admired not so much because of his skill at picturing American life as for his humor. It is part of the optimism of our outlook that we prefer comedy to tragedy, and that the funny men get top billing and top salaries on television.

    Humor is the great reliever of tension, the counterbalance to the dash and roar of our fastpaced industrialized life with its whirring machines, traffic snarls and frayed tempers. Humor shows these very things to us in such a way that we can laugh about them.

    Nothing is too sacred for the comic transformation; in fact, the more sacred the topic, the stronger the impact. Jokes about the minister are legion. Says the parishioner to the minister who explains that while shaving he was thinking about his sermon and cut his chin: "You should have been thinking about you chin and cut the sermon."

    That tensions exist in the home life, however, the humorist loves to point out. No joke has the changes rung on it more frequently than that of the woman driver who is usually pictured sitting in the midst of a wrecked car. ("Didn't you see me signal that I'd changed my mind?") Men probably wreck far more cars than women, but it satisfies the male ego to think that women have not yet mastered the machine.

    The shop which advertised that it would "Oil sewing machines and adjust tension in the home for $1" had already relieved the tension through humor once the unintentional double-entendre was recognized.

    A popular variant of the dominant female is the mother-in-law. Year after year the jokes about her continue─evidence not so much of any serious tension as of the Freudian implications─projection of marital friction onto an associated but less immediate object, seeing in the wife's mother the inevitable approach of the mate's old age and hence one's own.

    Humor reveals our attitude toward children─our love of their innocently wise comments on life, our delight in the evidences they give of being fully formed individuals with rights and spunk of their own, even to the point of talking back to their parents. (Says the little girl at the table, urged by her mother to eat up her broccol: "I say it's spinach, and I say the hell with it.")

    Can psychiatry help to overcome the frustrations of life? "There's nothing wrong with the average person that a good psychiatrist can't exaggerate," said the comedian, thus confirming our suspicions and making it a little easier for us to put up with ourselves.

    The thirst for humor drives advertisers to resort to it, in the hope of catching an audience long since jaded by all the other appeals. "You die─we do the rest," an undertaker advertises. What welcome relief from the usual unctuousness of his kind!

    American humor, in short, confirms the importance of mating and the family, the high status of women and children, the pace and tension of life, and above all the love of humor itself as an approach to life more to be prized than riches, a gift to be cherished and applauded. The minister uses it in his sermons, the doctor in his healing, the lawyer in his pleading, the teacher in his teaching. About the worst thing we can say of a man is that he has no sense of humor. For humor is regarded as an essential part of "the American way."

    It helps to equalize, and we believe in equality. It is often a symbol of freedom, for it permits the common man to speak freely of his leaders; it helps him cut them down to size. It deflates stuffed shirts. It allows us to look at ourselves in perspective, for when we laugh at ourselves we have surmounted our shortcomings. And in a land where new contacts are always being made, humor provides a quickly available emotional unity─not subtle or regional but universal, one which lets us feel immediately at home anywhere. It is the grammar of confidence, the rhetoric of optimism, the music of brotherhood.

    What is an American?

    "I can't make you out," Henry James has Mrs. Tristram say to the American, "whether you are very simple or very deep." This is a dilemma which has often confronted Europeans. Usually they conclude that Americans are childish. But one cannot accurately call one society mature, another immature. Each has its own logic.

    What is it then that makes Americans recognizable wherever they go? It is not, we hope, the noisy, boasting, critical, money-scattering impression made by one class of tourists. The only thing to be said in their defense is that, released from the social restraints which would make them act very differently at home, they are bent on making the most of this freedom.

    Americans carry with them an appearance which is more a result of attitude than of clothing. This attitude combines a lack of class consciousness,a somewhat jaunty optimism and an inquisitiveness which in combination look to the European like

naiveté. Also a liking for facts and figures, an alertness more muscular and ocular than intellectual, and above all a desire to be friendly. (Let us, for the moment, leave out of the picture such stigmata as gum chewing, too much smoking, and an urge to compare everything with Kansas City or Keokuk.)

    To boil it down to the briefest summary, American characteristics are the product of response to an unusually competitive situation combined with unusual opportunity.

    Americans are a peculiar people. They work like mad, then give away much of what they earn. They play until they are exhausted, and call this a vacation. They live to think of themselves as tough-minded business men, yet they are push-overs for any hard luck story. They have the biggest of nearly everything including government, motor cars and debts, yet they are afraid of bigness. They are always trying to chip away at big government, big business, big unions, big influence. They like to think of themselves as little people, average men, and they would like to cut everything down to their own size. Yet they boast of their tall buildings, high mountains, long rivers, big state, the best country, the best world, the best heaven. They also have the most traffic deaths, the most waste, the most racketeering.

    When they meet, they are always telling each other, "Take it easy," then they rush off like crazy in opposite directions. They play games as if they were fighting a war, and fight wars as if playing a game. They marry more, go broke more often, and make more money than any other people. They love children, animals, gadgets, mother, work, excitement, noise, nature, television shows, comedy, installment buying, fast motion, spectator sports, the underdog, the flag, Christmas, jazz, shapely women and muscular men, classical recordings, crowds, comics, cigarettes, warm houses in winter and cool ones in summer, thick beefsteaks, coffee, ice cream, informal dress, plenty of running water, do-it-yourself, and a working week trimmed to forty hours or less.

    They crowd their highways with cars while complaining about the traffic, flock to movies and television while griping about the quality and the commercials, go to church but don't care much for sermons, and drink too much in the hope of relaxing─only to find themselves stimulated to even bigger dreams.

    There is of course, no typical American. But if you added them all together and then divided by 226 000 000 they would look something like what this chapter has tried to portray.

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    克莱德·克鲁克恩认为,美国人的信条中含有 对理性的信仰,对道德合理化的诉求,对理性努力的重要性抱乐观态度并且深信不疑,坚仰个人及其权利,推崇普通人(不仅推崇他的权利,也推崇他积累的政治智慧),高度评价改革和进步,也高度评价有意识地当成善来追求的快乐。

































    当然没有典型的美国人。但是如果你把他们加在一起,然后用226 000 000来除,他们的样子就象这一章要描述的。



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