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Passage One

    For those addicted to nicotine, withdrawal from smoking appears to be similar to withdrawal from other drugs. Many people suffer from all or a number of the following symptoms when they first stop: dry mouth, indigestion, headache, hunger, constipation, giddiness, and bad temper.

    Doctors report that nicotine from an inhaled cigarette reaches the brain in 7 seconds, twice as fast as that from an injection into veins in the arm. Thus, at the rate of ten puffs per cigarette, the pack-a-day smoker gets more than seventy thousand "shots" of nicotine in a year. This is unmatched by any other form of drug-taking. Some experts attribute the difficulty in giving up smoking to the fact that the unpleasant and dangerous effects of the habit develop very slowly while the pleasant ones are so immediate.

    If one is addicted to nicotine, continued smoking or chewing may be an escape route from the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal. When the level of nicotine in the body drops, another cigarette provides the nicotine one craves.

    Nicotine gum is prescribed by doctors for hard-core smokers who want to avoid nicotine withdrawal. Clonidine, a drug that is used to treat alcohol and opiate addiction, helps some heavy smokers to avoid withdrawal symptoms. These medications help to relieve the craving for nicotine so that the people can overcome their personal reasons for smoking. Doctors who write prescriptions for nicotine gum and clonidine also emphasize the importance of encouragement from friends and relatives. With the new report that smoking can be addictive, many people are more supportive of those who are trying to stop.

(264 words)

    1. The author mentions all the unpleasant symptoms of nicotine withdrawal but ________. ( )

(a) reduced body weight

(b) disordered stomach work

(c) pain in the head

(d) thirst

2. In the second paragraph, one is informed that _____. ( )

(a) the unpleasant effects of a cigarette takes seven seconds to reach the brain

(b) a ten-inhale-per-cigarette smoker generally consumes one pack a day

(c) many other forms of drug-taking are different from smoking as they do not involve the use of matches

(d) quitting smoking is not that easy since smoking's bad and dangerous results show themselves much later than its immediate pleasure-causing effects

3. "Hard-core smokers" are actually ________. ( )

(a) those who prefer cigars to cigarettes

(b) heavy smokers or extremely addicted tobacco users

(c) smokers using no cigarette filters

(d) those who eat nuts while puffing at cigarettes

4."These medications" include ________. ( )

(a) nicotine withdrawal

(b) alcohol and opiate

(c) nicotine gum and clonidine

(d) emphasis on the supportive people

5. Which paragraph concentratedly explains the reason for nicotine addiction?( )

(a) Paragraph One

(b) Paragraph Two

(c) Paragraph Three

(d) Paragraph Four   



Passage Two

    Many organizations offer clinics in which you can share your experiences with others who are trying to break the smoking habit. These programs are conducted by trained leaders who understand how to help smokers become nonsmokers.

    Once a year, smokers all over the United States join in an effort not to smoke when they take part in the Great American Smokeout. As many as twenty-five million people take part in the one-day effort. Some throw their cigarettes in bonfires, undergo hypnosis, eat carrot sticks provided by college students in rabbit suits, and enjoy the support of cheerleaders who urge them on throughout the day.

    Below are some additional tips that should be of help if you've decided to quit the nicotine habit.

    Many people who have succeeded in breaking the tobacco habit encourage others by assuring them that the first few days are the hardest. They suggest breathing deeply every time you crave a cigarette. Two or three deep-breathing sessions each day can help a lot.

    Keep all cigarettes and ashtrays out of sight. Remove or avoid things that act as clues for smoking a cigarette.

    Drink extra glasses of water.

    Increase your exercise regimen. Starting a new athletic program can be extremely helpful, especially if it is outdoors.

    Try snacking on carrots, celery, or other low-calorie foods when you get the urge for a cigarette.

    Twiddle a pencil to replace the cigarette that you are in the habit of holding between your fingers. Your body is programmed to the actions that go along with smoking. Finding a substitute for these can help.

    When you feel the urge to use tobacco, distraction can help. Brush your teeth, take a shower, call a friend, or imagine a peaceful relaxing scene.

(289 words)

  6. "The Great American Smokeout" means ________. ( )

(a) all Americans smoke in the open areas

(b) all Americans smoke openly

(c) all Americans smoke as much as possible

(d) the big program to stop smoking on one day

7. What does the word "programmed " mean in paragraph 9? ( )

(a) accustomed

(b) arranged

(c) devoted

(d) reduced

8. People who have succeeded in breaking the tobacco habit encourage others by assuring them that _____. ( )

(a) it is easy to give up the habit

(b) they have a lot of meat instead of smoking

(c) the first few days are the most difficult

(d) the first few days are easy but you need to persist

9. When you feel the urge to use tobacco, you can do all of the following EXCEPT ________. ( )

(a) try snacking on low-calorie foods

(b) twiddle a pencil to replace the cigarette

(c) twiddle a cigarette without smoking it

(d) drink extra glasses of water

10. The suitable title for this passage is _________. ( )

(a) Giving Up Smoking

(b) Anti-Smoking Organization

(c) When You Want to Smoke

(d) Tips for Quitting Smoking



Passage Three

What is the best way to quit? Some would quit today and never smoke another cigarette. Others would argue for letting down gradually.

    Actually, there is no single way of quitting that works best for everyone. There are many ways to quit, and millions of people have done so without any special programs. Others find they need help. One man, who had tried several programs without success, had himself chained to his sofa for three days for he could not reach a cigarette. Few people need to take such drastic measures, but the new medical information that stresses the addictive properties of nicotine does away with the idea that people cannot stop because they are weak-willed.

    The American Cancer Society has a number of suggestions for smokers who want to quit:

    1. Make a list of all the good things you get from smoking, such as something to do with your hands, a way to relax, a reward for hard work, or whatever benefits you think it brings. Then list all the bad things you get from smoking, such as foul breath, smoke-filled air, yellowed fingers, health problems. Then, think about it all.

    2. Make your habit as inconvenient as possible. For example: limit the places in which you will smoke—to the outdoors, perhaps; never smoke unless you are standing; lock your cigarettes in a hard-to-get-to place.

    3. Decide to quit smoking one month from now on a certain day. Prepare for this day by starting to cut down, smoking less of each cigarette, and trying to relax more through increased use of exercise, deep breathing, or any other method that appeals to you. Replace a cigarette with a carrot or sugarless gum. On Q day, reward yourself.

(290 words)

11. The purpose of drawing a list of the good and the bad things from smoking is to ________. ( )

(a) fill up a questionnaire

(b) argue that definitely smoking has positive effects

(c) weigh the matter reasonably and get ready to give up smoking

(d) avoid forgetfulness in bringing along a packet of cigarettes

12. "It" in the last sentence of paragraph 4 refers to ________.   ( )

(a) the whole matter of smoking, especially as shown in the list you have drawn

(b) the day when you start quitting smoking

(c) foul breath, smoke-filled hair, problems in health

(d) all the benefits smoking brings

13. "Q day" in the last sentence means ________. ( )

(a) question day

(b) quiet day

(c) quit day

(d) quality day

14. Q day arrives ________. ( )

(a) immediately after D day: the day when you decide to stop smoking

(b) just after several programmes

(c) all of a sudden to reward you

(d) one month from the day you make up your mind to give up smoking

15. A good title for the passage is: _______. ( )

(a) The Best Way to Quit Smoking

(b) Ways to Quit Smoking

(c) Quit Smoking Today

(d) The American Cancer Society and Smoking Quitting






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