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Translation - Passage - English to Chinese

Directions: Put the short passage below into Chinese. Move the mouse to any of the underlined words for its meaning in Chinese.


Hilton Hotel
10 minutes from Brussels National Airport. Close to the city center. Air-conditioned rooms. Non smokers floors. Four meeting rooms. Free bus service between airport and hotel 6AM-11PM. Free transportation to and from offices located in the neighborhood.

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2. Although my experiences are mentioned in the previous letter, I would like to say that I am particularly interested in this job. I have been looking for something interesting and unusual, and this job sounds like what I had hoped to find. I enjoy meeting people, and I get along well with almost everyone.

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3. This is a list of words which is used as a guide by Special English writers in their news and feature programs. It takes the place of the last such list published in 1979, and includes some new words. They have been added to make our writing more expressive while keeping it direct, simple and clear.

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Position Available
Tour guides must be in good health & be fluent in English. Applicants who have had previous experience are preferred. The salary is $200 per week including vacation. Please send résumés and letters of reference to: Ms. Lucille Green, Pacific Company, P.O. Box 1549, N.Y.

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5. Many students from poor families take a part-time job while they are at a university. They work in the evenings as waiters and waitresses, for instance, where they can earn a handsome amount of money from tips".

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6. One company president started his sales career by selling desk lamps door-to-door. The first day he made only one sale in 40 attempts. But he never forgot the face of the woman who finally bought something-how it changed from suspicion to interest to acceptance.

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7. Natural beauty is obviously the most important consideration for many tourists in selecting a holiday place. City people, in particular, often dream of spending their vacation time in nature. Water, whether in the form of a mirror-like lake, a winding river or the open sea, is one of the most popular natural environments.

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8. Invite the children to describe pictures or guess what's going to happen next. Encourage an older child to read to a younger one. Let them recite favorite poems on tape. When kids hear their own voices on tape, it gives them confidence and encourages language development.

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9. I won't move from town to town all my life. I like it here. I know everyone. It's peaceful. I don't have to worry about things. It's like an old pair of shoes. They're comfortable. Why would I want to buy a new pair?

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10. The National Park Service of the USA controls more than 77 million acres of land, divided up into 320 beautiful parks, the latest covering huge areas of wilderness in Alaska. There are urban or city parks, ancient buildings and historic sites, seashore parks, and national rivers.

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