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Translation - Passage - English to Chinese

Directions: Put the short passage below into Chinese. Move the mouse to any of the underlined words for its meaning in Chinese.

1. Most interpersonal communication involves verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Human communication is not merely a function of words. Communication has both content and relational components. The content component consists of what is said or done while the relational component consists of how it is said or done. So does business communication.

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2. Food patterns differ markedly from one culture to another. Baked mouse, or roast dog may be a good dish in some parts of the world, whereas in other areas it would be unthinkable for humans to eat these products. Eggs are an essential breakfast food in certain cultures, whereas in others they are taboo.

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3. Windows 95 also features access to a new online service: The Microsoft Network. Using it, you can exchange messages with people around the world; read the latest news, sports, weather, and financial information; find answers to your technical questions; download from a collection of thousands of useful programs; connect to the Internet; and more!

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4. The British authorities took charge of the Marry Celeste and ordered a public inquiry. What mystified investigators more than anything else was the fact that the Mary Celeste had been able to remain on course for ten days without anyone to steer it. However no convincing explanations were finally given.

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5. The use of information technologies has fueled the global economy. It has fueled it through capital purchases, but, more importantly, it has fueled it through changing the processes which modern businesses conduct business.

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6. Animals feel (have emotion) more than they rely on thought (mental reasoning), but cats and dogs do think and reason. Pet behavior is a reflection of the mental body. Like people, pets have memories, and what has happened to them in the past affects their behavior and wellness in the present.

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7. How do people determine who will be a close friend? Some theorists believe that we select our friends on the basis of interpersonal attraction. Some aspects of attraction are shared attitudes, similarity of behaviors, and physical attractiveness. People who are similar to us make us feel pleasant and lowered our uncertainty about how to act.

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8. Computers certainly demonstrate their power in the processing of data on handwriting. But they are not very good at reading the overlapping portions of handwriting, which is necessary to determine the stroke order by which characters are written. For that, people have to look at handwriting under a microscope and analyze them directly themselves.

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9. Now many people believe that power generated from the sun, wind and other alternate sources must be developed and relied upon to provide a significant portion of our energy needs. Otherwise, who knows what the outcome will be when the world's supplies of fossils fuels are gone.

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10. Politically the suburbs have been independent units. But from the point of view of the city dwellers it is quite unfair since it allows suburbanites to use the city's facilities and services without carrying a share of the city's tax burden or having to be concerned with the city's economic or political problems.

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