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1. 课文一 2. 课文二

Text 1

The Credibility Principle

by Robert L. Shook


    How many times have you broken your promises and been disappointed by unfulfilled promises of others? Read the following passage and get a better understanding of what the Credibility Principle is and why it should be cherished and followed. 

    We will now discuss the "Credibility Principle": Do whatever you say you are going to do. Thought simple and rational, this principle is not followed by the vast majority of people. The person who does what he says he will do is a rare individual who stands tall in the crowd. 

    Certainly we've all been in situations where we were "promised" performance and received only disappointment. At one time or another all of us have shared the frustration that followed the unfulfilled promise: "My check is in the mail." How many times have you been disappointed when a tailor failed to have your suit or dress altered by the promised date? Perhaps a computer salesman " guaranteed" you delivery of the 7 000 Model by the 25th of the month, but you didn't receive it until two weeks later. Remember when the contractor assured you that your swimming pool would be completed no later than June 10, but you weren't able to take your first swim until September 2? How about the time you were promised your new car by the first of the month but didn't receive it until almost four weeks past the scheduled date? All of us have suffered these kinds of frustrations and agonized over such broken promises. The failure to perform as promised is a losing image, and you must avoid it like the plague. 

    Dwight Knight, a very bright attorney with a leading law firm in town, is a perfect example of someone who violates the Credibility Principle. In spite of his outstanding ability as a corporate lawyer, his constant failure to meet promised deadlines causes him to lose much if not all of the goodwill he creates by his ability to "put a good product." "Why, sure," Dwight tells his client, "I'll have the final contracts drawn up by Wednesday. I see absolutely no reason whatsoever for any delay. What time do you want them? Will the morning around tenish be all right?" 

    In view of Dwight's past performance record, it's always advisable to call him prior to sending a secretary over to pick up the contract. Chances are that when you do, his receptionist will say, "Oh, Mr. Knight is tied up in conference until noon. May he return your call after he's back from lunch?" Toward the end of the day, when you still haven't heard from him, you will give him a call before you leave the office, but he's still going to be unavailable. On Thursday, the day after the scheduled appointment, he gives you the run-around for the entire day! By Friday you're fit to be tied, and when he finally does allow you to be put through on the phone, he meekly mumbles, "You know, those contracts are really much more complicated than first meets the eye. Why, I had no idea they were going to be so difficult. There's so much more involved than I had imagined." As he hems and haws, there is no possible explanation he can give you that will be acceptable—he failed to meet the deadline. Since you know he's not incompetent, you can only conclude that he just doesn't give a damn whether he inconveniences you or not! Although you may be locked into working with him on this particular contract, your mind swiftly begins to think about replacing his law firm with another one.

    Attorneys aren't the only professionals who cause this kind of unnecessary frustration for their clients. Doctors are just as guilty. My "ex" personal physician, Boris, almost made me mad enough to give him a black eye for the abuse he inflicted upon me. I was required to get a physical examination for a large life insurance policy I had applied for, so I had my secretary set up an appointment with Dr. Morris for the first thing in the morning. "Tell him to be at the office at eight-thirty," the nurse told my secretary, "and we'll have Mr. Shook in and out in no time flat!" I arrived at the doctor's office ten minutes before it opened, and, much to my dismay, twenty other patients were also waiting in the reception room when the nurse arrived at twenty to nine to open the door to let everyone in. Dr. Morris came in through his private back-door entrance at ten after nine, and at ten-thirty I was finally asked to fill out a form. At eleven, I was led into a small room and told to take off my shirt. Like a fool, I stood in this stark examining room for fifteen minutes before the good doctor finally burst through the door and said, "And how is my good friend, Bob Shook, this morning?" 

    I won't go into detail about what I answered, but I will say that there was absolutely no reason in the world for his lack of consideration. He had inconvenienced me and twenty other people by telling us all to be at his office at the same early hour. This is just plain disrespect for others' time, and no one has a right to treat anyone so rudely. I understand there are many doctors who display this kind of contempt for their patients, and they continue to conduct their practices in this way, even though several people tell them that doing so is inexcusable.

    Perhaps the most infamous individuals who make promises that they don't fulfill are politicians. It's sad commentary on our political system and a distasteful fact of life that the average American has lost confidence in our local and national leadership. This loss of confidence can be a much greater problem than first meets the eye because widespread mistrust in our government can cause the downfall of our free enterprise system. Campaign promises are too often made in an attempt to win votes, not with the intention of actual performance. This is probably the most notorious situation in which the public expects promises to be broken.

    I believe in respecting the next man, and when I tell him that he can count on something, I do it without fail according to schedule. I don't care if I have to stay up for two nights; I'll meet my deadline, barring an unforeseeable accident or illness. To date, I have been blessed with excellent health and have only had to miss one day's work in the last fifteen years because of sickness. Even now, because I have a deadline to meet with my publisher, I am writing this chapter in my office on a Sunday morning at six-fifteen because I will definitely be on schedule.

    Keeping commitments was very important to us when my father and I started our business, and to this day that is still a high priority. In the beginning we realized how important it was for us to establish credibility with the various insurance companies our agency represented. Consequently, we vowed to always obey the Credibility Principle to the letter. We realized that the very nature of most salesmen is to oversell and never do quite what they say they will. Hence, we felt that giving these companies slightly lower figures than we actually anticipated in sales volume for the upcoming year was preferable to quoting higher figures. At the year's end they were then pleasantly surprised by the "extra" business they received. Even though they would have received the same amount of sales volume regardless of the projections, we felt it was better to give them more than they expected rather than to disappoint them by giving them less. Many times throughout the years we have been told, "You people are the only sales organization in the entire industry who actually meet the production figure you give. In most cases, we simply cut the predictions in half and come up with a reasonable estimate of what an agency will actually do." 

    Everybody has dealt with people who constantly stretch the facts when they project what they're going to do. What is amazing is that such people do not have the foresight to see how foolish they are going to appear when they fail to produce what they have promised. In our company, for example, we ask each salesman to give us a twelve-month projection of the volume he expects to produce during the upcoming year. If we were to total the amounts of these projections and then actually hit those annual figures, we would be in a position to retire! In many cases a salesman's projections are so unrealistic that he gets too far behind by April and must therefore disregard his sales goals and establish more realistic ones for the rest of the year.

    If there is a "best" time to give accurate projections, I would suggest that it is when you visit your banker for a loan. Never, absolutely never, give your banker inflated projections unless you are positive you will meet them. In fact, I have found that it's always better to give him slightly lower projections so when the end of the year fiscal year arrives, you can present him with better figures than he was expecting. If you're going to surprise a banker, do it with good news, not bad!

    Since a good relationship with their bank(s) is highly essential for most businesses, credibility must be established early in the game. The majority of businesses ignore the Credibility Principle, and in their zest to make a good impression on a loan officer, they oversell. While they may think they're making a good impression, they're actually making a foolish mistake, because six months, a year, even three years go by so quickly, and the banker won't forget what was projected. He's written it all down and presented the financial forecasts to his bank examiner. If the business fails to meet projections, he's going to want a full explanation to why the forecast was off, and it's going to be difficult to talk to him. Doesn't it make good sense to project less than what you're relatively certain you can do, and then surprise him with the good news of having done even better? After all, you're planning to do business with your banker for a long period of time, so don't place doubt in his mind that will cause him to think, "Well, if he's asking for this figure, we'll just cut it in half."

    We like to believe that others are going to follow through when we deal with them, but many simply will not. I know several highly talented men and women who do not follow through, and as a result they frustrate everyone who deals with them, causing many to decide never to do business with them again. Lynn Flynn, a real estate agent, is a good example of an excellent salesperson, who, though she has all the talent necessary to do a fine job, lacks the commitment to follow through on what she initially tackles. Clark Barr, a friend of mine who was transferred to our city from out of town a few years ago, told me about the exhausting experience he had when he and his wife Gay were house-hunting. "Bob, I never saw anything like it in my life," he said. "I had to get a house because we sold our home in Michigan, and we only had sixty days before we had to vacate it so the buyers could move in. I explained all this to Lynn and she told me that she had dozens of homes like the one we were looking for, and no broker in town had as many exclusive listings. Well, Gay and I couldn't get over it," he continued. "No matter how many times we called her, she stalled us and gave excuses about why this house or that house wouldn't be suitable. One day, my wife saw the dream home and it had a For Sale sign in front. When Gay called Lynn to ask for a showing, she told us that she had just sold it to some other family that day before. We were so mad that we decided to contact Holmes Realty and do you know what? We ended up buying a ninety-thousand-dollar-home from them within five days. I'll bet Gay has sent Holmes at least eight other customers who've also been transferred here by our company. I know for a fact that I've told at least a dozen more to stay away from Lynn Flynn! She's a nice gal, but it's just plain murder to deal with somebody like that." 

    Unfortunately, all of us have dealt with people like Lynn Flynn at one time or another, and when we do, we learn to appreciate the professional who does what he says he will. Life is simply too short to go through the same exasperating situation twice with the person who let you down because he didn't deliver the goods as originally promised. Many people whose talent borders on genius achieve only mediocre results in their career because they lack the necessary follow-through to actually perform well. Less gifted people continually outperform these so-called geniuses because they come through when they're supposed to. No matter how outstanding the end result may be, you do not receive full value for services rendered if you suffer unbearable frustrations because the other person didn't do what he said he would do according to schedule. 


    If it is your intention to build a long and rewarding career, you must plan to do business with others over a long period of time. Your output, plus your ability to apply the Credibility Principle, will determine your success in the long run. This is the winning image you must develop if your career is to enjoy longevity.

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    现在我们来讨论“诚信原则”:做你说过要做的任何事情。尽管这条原则很简单 ,也很合理,然而大部分人却不遵守它。一个说到做到的人是出类拔萃的人,以至于难得一见。




























Text 2

Nurture Your Nature

by Annette Foglion


    In 1979, Tim Seward sat in my audience wide-eyed and eager to grow. His newly bought Tidy Car franchise provided him the chance to build his own business doing auto detailing. At 19 years old, this was quite a challenge. He had no college degree or business experience, just enthusiasm and the willingness to work hard.


    I spoke to the group on "How to Build Your New Business," and after my speech Tim sat with me during lunch. I tried to answer his scores of questions and still eat lunch. At the end of lunch he asked me for a "daily motivator," a challenging quote to motivate himself with.


    Here's what I told him: "Every day ask yourself, ‘How would the person I'd like to be do the things I'm about to do?’" He went home and did that.


    His goal was to become the international sales leader of Tidy Car. He wanted to be the best they had. So he asked himself, "How would the international sales leader do what I'm about to do?"


    He began to dress differently for work—in a jumpsuit with "Tidy Car" on the back, rather than a T-shirt and jeans. He also did his work more thoroughly. Each car was polished to perfection. He served his customers like the leader would. They came back for more and referred their friends to Tim.


    Tim's business grew rapidly, so he leased an old service station and hired others to help. He upgraded all that he did. Tim also listened to motivational and business tapes as he worked, went to seminars, and traded auto services for advice and coaching. His business continued to grow.


    At the end of that year, Tim had done so well that he won the international sales leader award among hundreds of other franchises at Tidy Car's convention in New Orleans. He drove home in his prize, a brand-new, shine white Corvette!



    Tim went on to lead Tidy Car again and again. Then he formed his own company selling auto accessories. He became a good husband and father. He learned how to build and sustain a successful business. Today, two decades later, he lives in a beautiful new home in Florida. He has built, owned, and sold four business locations in Michigan that provide jobs for many people and produce over $6 million a year. He lives an abundant life and has a beautiful family.


    The Seeds of Success

    Time did not ride a wave of auto-motive opportunity. Nor did he luck into a business relationship with a rich benefactor. No wise guru took him under his or her wing. He didn't gamble big and win.


    Tim simply practiced what the author Tony Alessandra calls "the Platinum Rule". That is, he treated people the way they wanted to be treated. He served them graciously, gave their cars the extra touch, made it easy for them to work with him, valued his co-workers, and constantly increased his own ability to bring value to others.


    Tim was rewarded for his work on all levels: good health, great friendships, happy family, successful business, and an abundant life. His success was not the result of college degrees, negotiating skills, financial mastery, or good timing. He was rewarded as nature always rewards us, by the natural, predictable results of becoming the kind of person he was capable of becoming in all eight areas of his life: mind, body, spirit, emotions, family, friends, career, and finances. He was living and working in alignment with his values, his intelligence, and his potential and, like an acorn that becomes a mighty oak, his growth seemed almost automatic.


    Success is not a contest, nor is it a mountain you must struggle to climb. Success is your birthright. It is your natural state of being.


    Sure, you'll have to work at it. You may even have to develop some new habits. But personal growth ( the natural process that creates a successful life) is not drudgery. It is fun! Ask anyone who is living a highly productive and happy life. "What is it like to develop new abilities and bring out your best?" He or she will pause, then smile and tell you, "It is great! I can't imagine living any other way!"


    I know this to be true. Over my past 20 years of work in human development I have found that the people at the top of every field have a different way of looking at life from those who are still struggling to keep up. It is not a difference in talent. It is a difference in outlook.


    How do I know? Because I've seen it happen to Tim Seward and in the lives of thousands of others. I've experienced it in my own life again and again.


    You can learn to "nurture your nature" by keeping a journal of your desires that describes the person you'd like to become. This picture of the future you will evolve over the years and yet also stay the same in many ways. The clearer your description of the person you'd like to be, the more likely it is that you'll live the life you'd like to see. This can be one of the most profound exercises you will ever undertake.


    Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Desire is possibility seeking expression. "The essence of your nature is expressed in your true desires. Once you have described the person you'd like to be, you can begin to shift your focus to the areas you should emphasize today in order to make your dreams a reality tomorrow.

    In order to grow, you need, like a tree, to be either expanding your roots (gaining more awareness and resources) or bearing fruit (behaving productively). When you spend too much time in one area, your needs will increase in the other areas. You need a daily plan for both expanding your roots and bearing fruit.


    The Thought Diet: Your Growth Starter


    The desire to expand my roots and to bear fruit in my life developed into a tool that I've used off and on for more than 20 years. I call it the thought diet. It's designed to influence your thinking through your behavior and to groom your behavior through your thinking, just as an eating regimen would affect your physique.


    I believe each of us should take on the job of raising ourselves. And when you're raising someone, there are two jobs, both with the same goal: Both the parent and child want the child to become an independent, self-directed adult.


    I told my son years ago, "I want the same thing you want. I want you to be able to do whatever you want to do without ever checking with me on whether you can do it or not."

    He said, "Hey, I like that."


    "Here's how you get there," I told him. "You form the kind of habits—study habits, interpersonal habits, habits in school, habits in daily hygiene, habits in decision making—that will assure me that you're going to make good choices and keep yourself safe as you progress in life. As I see those habits develop in you, I'll give you more and more freedom in every area. So you form the habits, and I'll guide the growth."



    To implement that thinking, you can create a "thought diet card" to guide your growth as you develop and cultivate the habits of success. The thought diet is a tool for helping you become more of the person you need to be in order to achieve your goals. If you cultivate the thoughts and habits of the person you want to be, you'll automatically start getting the things you want to get.


    Read your thought diet card once every morning and once every night.

    The thought diet card has three important parts. Part one is your current primary goal—a brief description of the goal that matters most in your life right now. Part two lists the traits you are developing—five qualities you most want to cultivate within yourself to become the person you want to be, the person who would achieve your stated goals. Part three describes your minimum daily actions—behaviors that will break your inertia each day and get you started growing again. This is not a mere list of goals to achieve or studies to complete; it is a list of traits and behaviors that bring out the desired qualities in you.



    The goal and the list of five traits go on one side of your card, and minimum daily actions go on the other side. On the side of the card for actions, list eight categories: mind, body, spirit, emotions, friends, family, career, and finances. And then beside each one write a minimum action that will help you to grow in that area. Be realistic: Don't challenge yourself too much or too little. And make sure that the actions, traits, and goal are compatible. Side one of my thought diet card showed the current primary goal in 1975. Side two listed the minimum daily actions I wanted to take in order to develop the traits and meet my goal.



    My current primary goals:

    To become a national expert in the field of personal development.

Five traits I am developing:

    1. To be more observant: to notice more, and to learn from every source available.

    2. To be healthy, fit, and agile: constantly to develop physically.

    3. To be generous: to compliment others often, to help them find the good in themselves.

    4. To be optimistic: always to look for solutions and possibilities.

    5. To be inspiring: to hold myself to a higher set of professional and personal standards.



    Minimum Daily Actions:

    Mind: Read one page of a book.

    Body: Put on jogging shoes and walk out to the street.

    Spirit: Thank God for blessings received.

    Emotions: Laugh once.

    Friends: Phone or write to one person I care about.

    Family: Spend 10 minutes carefully listening to a family member.

    Career: Learn one new idea that will enhance my career.

    Finances: Keep an accurate record of money received and spent.

    Above: A goal for growth. Side one of author Jim Cathcart's original "thought diet card" declares his goal for the future and lists five key traits he wants to cultivate.

    Below: An action plan for the day. On side two of his "thought diet card" the author commits to taking minimum daily actions in eight categories in order to build the traits.


    I knew that if I developed that five traits I had selected I would start becoming the person who would achieve the goal I had written down. Then the goal would be the natural byproduct of my daily actions. It's the reverse of what a lot of people do when they focus on the goal. But I say you can go about it from either direction. If you figure out what kind of person you want to be, then think about the goals that person would achieve, and then become the person—the goals will be the automatic byproduct.



    Now, those minimum actions don't constitute a complete plan for reaching a lofty goal, but they did provide the simple push I needed each day to get started, and it worked for me. I changed the card often, and if I found I wasn't doing something on the card, I would write in a new action, constantly monitoring what I avoided. I did this repeatedly until I figured out how best to motivate myself and determine what I could get myself to do. If the goal wasn't exciting, then I'd reexamine my goal on the card for a while. If it seemed that I'd acquired one of the five traits, then I'd add some new ones that I felt I needed to work on.


    It is in your nature to be successful at certain things. To identify your natural path, keep a record of your likes and dislikes, successes and failures. Study the patterns in your life and align yourself with your potential strengths. Use the thought diet to study the course. Learn to "nurture your nature."


    The seed of your future successes already lives within and around you. The seed's only job is to grow, to live fully. The oak sleeps within you. Growing season is here.

(2060 words)  TOP









































    1. 更善察:多观察,利用任何可得的渠道学习。

    2. 要健康、结实和敏捷:持之以恒地锻炼身体。

    3. 要慷慨:常赞美别人,帮助他们发现自己身上的优点。

    4. 要乐观:不断地探寻解决办法和可能性。

    5. 要有大志:给自己制订一套更高的职业的和个人的标准。











    上面:成长目标。作家吉姆·凯瑟卡特最初的“思想食谱卡”第一面上宣布了他未来的目标,并列出了他希望培育的 五种主要品质。











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