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Contextual Meaning

Re-read Returning to College and decide on the contextual meaning or functional value of the following sentences.

1) I thought I'd live to be a hundred. (Para. 1)
A) Assumption     B) Reasoning     C) Explanation     D) Justification

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2) I don't know everything. (Para. 2)
A) Assumption     B) Reasoning     C) Explanation     D) Justification

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3) I've visited a dozen colleges in the last two years, and college life looks extraordinarily pleasant. (Para. 2)
A) Assumption     B) Reasoning     C) Explanation     D) Justification

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4) Here they are with no responsibility to anyone but themselves, a hundred or a thousand ready-made friends, teachers trying to help them, families at home waiting for them to return for Christmas to tell all about their triumphs, three meals a day. (Para. 3)
A) Assumption     B) Reasoning     C) Explanation     D) Justification

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