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The Wake-up Call from Stockholm 

 "These are the last 20 minutes of peace in your life," the Swedish caller told Caltech professor Ahmed Zewail at 5:40 a.m. on October 12. 10月12日凌晨5:40,加利福尼亚理工学院的阿莫德·扎威尔教授接到了一个来自瑞典的电话,告诉他“你这辈子只有这二十分钟的清静时间了。”

 Soon the world would hear of Zewail's award — the 1999 Nobel Prize in chemistry — and Zewail would hear from the world. Two thousand e-mails would zoom his way within a few days and three phone lines would start ringing with eager requests for interviews from the national and Egyptian press and with congratulations from friends and colleagues. But first, the 53-year-old man would share the news with his family. 全世界很快就会知道扎威尔获得了1999年度的诺贝尔化学奖,接着,扎威尔就会收到世界各地的来信。几天之内,他的电子邮件将激增至两千封;美国和埃及的媒体将纷纷打来电话,急切要求对他进行采访;朋友和同事也会不断打来恭贺电话,他的三条电话线都将响个不停。但是现在,这位53岁的男子首先要与家人共享这条喜讯。

 He kissed his wife, Dema, and young sons, Nabeel and Hani. His mother, whom Zewail reached in his native Egypt, cried and cried. His daughters, Maha and Amani, "were going crazy on the phone. I couldn't even speak," said Zewail. 扎威尔亲吻了妻子德玛和两个小儿子纳比尔和哈尼。当他把这个消息告知远在家乡埃及的母亲时,她禁不住喜极而泣。扎威尔说,他的两个女儿玛哈和阿曼妮“从电话里一听到这个消息,就高兴得快疯了。我甚至连话都没法讲下去了。”

 "I was disappointed in Nabeel's reaction," he added. "I told him I had won the prize. He said, 'Good.'" But when Zewail asked if he'd tell the kids at school, the six-year-old said, "No. These guys will say 'So what?'" But Nabeel did ask, "Are we going to see the king?" “纳比尔的反应让我有些失望,”他补充道。“我告诉他我获得了诺贝尔奖。他却只说了一声“不错”。当扎威尔问他是否会把这个消息告诉他学校里的小伙伴们时,这个六岁的小家伙答道“不会。那些家伙只会说‘那又怎样?’” 不过纳比尔倒还确实问过“我们要去见国王吗?”

 The Royal Swedish Academy honored Zewail for his groundbreaking work in viewing and studying chemical reactions at the atomic level as they occur. He has shown "that it is possible with rapid laser technique to see how atoms in a molecule move during a chemical reaction." 瑞典皇家学院因扎威尔在观察和研究原子层面所发生的化学反应方面所作的开创性工作而授予他诺贝尔化学奖。他向世人证明,“利用快速的激光技术有可能观察到化学反应发生时分子中的原子是怎样运动的。”

 Zewail had brought the most powerful tools from the field of physics into the chemistry lab to create a revolution, and the field of femto-chemistry was born. It was "a revolution in chemistry and related sciences," the Swedes announced, "since this type of investigation allows us to understand and predict important reactions," to probe nature at its most fundamental level. 扎威尔将物理领域内最有威力的仪器引进化学实验室,从而引发了一场革命,超微(千万亿分之一)化学从此诞生。瑞典发布人说,这是“一场发生在化学及其相关学科领域的革命,因为这种研究方法使我们能够了解并预测重要的化学反应,”能从自然界最基础的层面探测自然。

 Zewail is the 27th Caltech faculty member or alumnus to receive the Nobel Prize, and the third faculty member to be so honored in this decade. 扎威尔是加利福尼亚理工学院教师及校友中第27位获得诺贝尔奖的人,同时也是最近十年里第三位获此殊荣的学院教师。

 "In my experience," said Zewail after a tumultuous week, "whenever you cross fields or bring in new ideas and tools, you find what you don't expect. You open new windows." 在经过了一周的激动和忙乱之后,扎威尔说:“根据我的经验,无论你在什么时候跨越学科或引进新的观点和仪器,你都会得到意想不到的发现,因为你开启了新的窗户。”

 Zewail's path to the forefront of the international science arena has been elegant and swift, like the atoms he observes performing molecular dances. With a wealth of experience in home chemistry projects as a boy in Egypt, he sailed to the top of his class at Alexandria University. The classical science education he received there prepared him for a promised tenure-track position in the field of his choice: math, physics, chemistry, or geology, but he decided to get his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania — to "see the molecular world of chemistry." He had heard of Caltech, but to this young Egyptian, "institute" sounded less prestigious than "university." As it turned out, Penn provided the "ideal" transition from classical science studies to the postdoctoral work he did at UC Berkeley. 扎威尔走向国际科学领域前沿的道路快捷而别具特色,正如他所观察的原子跳出的分子舞步一样优美。童年时,扎威尔在埃及国内进行了很多化学实验,并由此获得了丰富的经验,这些经验使他在就读亚历山大大学时成绩在班上名列前茅。他在亚历山大大学接受的正统理科教育本可使他在数、理、化、地质等任一领域中获得一个极有发展前途的终身任教职位。不过他最终还是决定去宾夕法尼亚大学攻读博士学位,“去见识一下化学的分子世界。”扎威尔以前也曾听说过加利福尼亚理工学院,但当时这位年轻的埃及人认为,“学院”的名字听上去没有“大学”响亮。事实证明,在扎威尔从正统理科研究转向他后来在加州伯克利大学的博士后科研的过程中,宾夕法尼亚大学起到了“理想的”的过渡作用。

 He stayed at Berkeley for postdoctoral work for two reasons: to think more about research rather than about getting a PhD and "the secret reason — I wanted to buy a big American car to take back to Egypt with me." At Berkeley, he published three papers "immediately" and was advised to apply to the top handful of American universities. 扎威尔留在贝克利大学做博士后研究有两个原因:一是想搞科研而非仅仅得到博士学位;另一个“私下的原因是我想买一辆美国大轿车带回埃及去。”他一到贝克利大学就“立即”发表了三篇论文,当时有人就建议他与美国不多的几所顶尖大学联系深造。

 "The most important reason why I decided on Caltech was, once the offer was made, I was well received by the staff, administration, and faculty." He also felt he could make his own way specializing in dynamics in a department strong on structure. And the Mediterranean climate didn't hurt. That was 1976. “我决定去加利福尼亚理工学院的最重要的原因是,我的申请一提出,就受到了全院教职员工、领导和系里的热烈欢迎。”同时他认为,在一个以结构研究见长的系里,自己能在专攻动力学方面取得成功。并且,加利福尼亚的地中海气候也令人惬意。那是发生在1976年的事情。

 Zewail was off and running, earning tenure in a year and a half, making full professorship by 1982, seated in the Pauling Chair by 1990. Now with a Nobel Prize under his belt, what's next? "First of all, I'm not retiring," he said. "And I'm not going to Hollywood." 扎威尔的事业可谓一帆风顺。他在加利福尼亚理工学院工作一年半后就获得了终身教席,1982年被聘为正教授,1990年获鲍林首席教授荣誉。如今他又将诺贝尔奖揽入囊中,下一步他该干些什么呢?“首先,我还不会退休,” 扎威尔说。“而且我也不会去好莱坞作影星。”

 In the coming years, Zewail looks forward to more breakthroughs. He will remain active in research and in publishing papers, which he considers to be his babies (363 to date ). Tracking the progress of two papers within a week of receiving the prize, he reached a surprised editor who said, "You on the phone? Impossible! I thought you'd be out wining and dining." He will continue to push the envelope of what is possible. 扎威尔期望今后几年里能再有突破性的成果。他将继续活跃在科研领域,积极发表论文,视其论文如己出(迄今为止他已经发表了363篇论文)。在获得诺贝尔奖后不到一个星期内,扎威尔就打电话给编辑追问两篇论文的进展情况,这让编辑大为惊讶,问道:“是你在给我打电话吗?不可能吧!我想你一定出去喝酒赴宴了。”他将继续尽力去揭示尚待研发的领域的奥秘。

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