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  Course 3 > Unit 5 > Passage C > Exercises
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Choose the best answer to each question based on the information from the passage.

1. Why did the narrator decide to quit his job?  
A) He was not working efficiently enough.
B) The job was not as exciting as he had expected.
C) He could see no hope of moving up.
D) It was difficult for him to devote the time needed.

2. How did his colleagues react to his decision to start college?  
A) They all agreed that he had made the right decision.
B) They thought he had no sense of responsibility.
C) They supported him financially.
D) They looked on his decision as impractical.

3. What did he worry about once he had started going to college?  
A) How the teachers would receive him.
B) How he could get used to life on campus.
C) Whether it was hard to mix with other students.
D) Whether his family would back him up.

4. What does the author's attitude towards negative comments suggest?  
A) He challenges them.
B) He Ignores them.
C) He worries about them.
D) He yields to them.

5. What does the author mean by saying "A college degree opens doors"?  
A) All universities are open for you to study for a degree.
B) You have to pass the entrance exams for a degree program.
C) With a college degree, you can expect more chances of employment and success.
D) A college degree is essential to further studies for a law or MBA degree.

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