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Practical Writing: Online Program Introduction

An online program introduction to continuing education usually provides the prospective students with information on qualifications, available courses, certificates, credits, learning enviroment and facilities, application and registration, etc., some of which are linked (usually underlined and in another color) to other web pages with further information.


Continuing Personal Education (CPE)

      Our CPE program provides a wide range of courses for local people. No qualifications are necessary in order to enrol, and most courses are open to anyone aged 16 and over. Whatever your study plans whether you simply wish to join a course out of interest, or work towards credit, or prepare for entry to an undergraduate degree we hope we have something to offer you.
      The program offers over 400 part-time, weekly classes a year. There are also some weekend and short summer courses. Many can be studied for credit, and credit may be accumulated for an Open Studies Certificate.
      If you would like to study with us to prepare for University entry, the University of Edinburgh Access Course could be for you. Or you might like to take an Open Studies Certificate and follow our new Credit for Entry route.
      If you have not studied for a while or you are not sure what study is involved you might be interested in our New Horizons Course, or other courses on study skills.
      We are also working with voluntary organizations to take our courses into community settings or to bring new learners to us. If you would like to explore outreach possibilities with us, please get in touch.


©Experiencing English 2002