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 Course 3 > Unit 5 > General Writing
General Writing: Paragraph Development by Example

16. Rearrange the following sentences in logical order to form a coherent paragraph. The topic sentence and the last sentence have been numbered for you.

  Numerous benefits can come from cloning technology. 
  The resulting child and its descendants would carry the corrected gene in every cell. 
  One of these is a treatment for infertility. 
  Cloning technology can also help "perfect" gene treatment, the actual correction or replacement of defective gene quences. 
  Human cloning can offer a chance of success to infertile people who want to have children. 
  Twelve million Americans are infertile at child bearing age. 
  It would allow scientists to take a cell and have its genome (基因组) modified. 
  Research on the basic processes of cell differentiation can lead to dramatic new medical interventions. 

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