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 Course 3 > Unit 5 > Communicative Task 2

Communicative Tasks:

Directions: Work with a peer and take turns to start the conversation.

Task 2:

Situation: Two college seniors are discussing their future plans for further education after graduation.
Role A: You're planning to continue your education as a graduate student, thinking that the more education you get, the more chances you will have to find a better job with a higher salary.
Role B: You've decided to find a job first and then join some training programs while working, believing that experience and practical skills are more important than knowledge from books.

… be better equipped before plunging into the society.
… expect a better job with a higher degree.
It's a waste of time.
Work experience and practical skills are more valuable.

master's degree, certificate, practice, promotion, interview, first-hand experience, flexible, training class, on-line study …

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