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  Course 3 > Unit 4 > Passage C > Exercises
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Choose the best answer to each question based on the information from the passage.

1. A naturally born baby can not be an exact replica of either of its parents because ______.  
A) the baby develops its own set of chromosomes
B) the baby takes one cell from each parent
C) genetic information can not be inherited from either parent
D) chromosomes from both parents mix to form the new life of the baby

2. According to the passage, a baby can be cloned by ______.  
A) fertilizing an egg with a male sperm
B) replacing the nucleus of an egg with that of a human cell
C) destroying the chromosomes in the cell
D) taking a cell from a female egg

3. Which of the following can possibly best describe the relationship between a cloned human and the person from whom she/he is cloned?  
A) Parent-child.
B) Siblings.
C) Identical twins.
D) Relatives.

4. According to the text, which is NOT mentioned as the expected disastrous results of human cloning?  
A) Replicas of cruel Hitler.
B) Multiplied gangs of criminals.
C) Reproduced races of hideous monsters.
D) Deformed human clones.

5. Generally speaking, what attitude does the author hold towards human cloning?  
A) Expectant.
B) Fearful.
C) Neutral.
D) Doubtful.

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