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General Writing: Paragraph Development by Space

Paragraph development by space is focused on locations of various types on a spatial order that starts the reader in certain direction to move from one place to another. Usually this kind of arrangement requires the reader to follow where the events take place. To indicate the spatial relationships, the compass points, geographical terms and space-related prepositions, etc. are needed accordingly.

Read the following paragraph and identify the spatial sequence in describing the development and spread of the earlier American civilization.

By the time Columbus reached the New world in 1492, the American civilization had reached a level of culture which included personal wealth, fine buildings, expert craftsmanship, and religions. Continuing archeological excavations tell us what little we know about the extent of the earliest immigrants. The most advanced cultures developed in what is now Mexico and Peru. Many of the surrounding peoples in Central America, South America and North America also reached complex states of civilization, but were largely isolated from each other and from greater civilizations of the continents. Widely separated peoples reached similar stages of development independently but during the same periods of time. For instance, the mound builders made burial and ceremonial sites in several places in the eastern U.S., Central Mexico, and on the Gulf of Mexico, all at about the same time. Men settled down to plant crops, especially maize, in Peru, Central America, and the eastern U.S. again during the same period. But from the earliest archeological evidence of men in America, we know that they ranged over the entire hemisphere, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.

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