International Symposium on Current Development
of Biology
Sponsored by Japanese Institute of Biology
1-5-8 Tomaba, Megurku, Tokyo 153-8606, Japan
Tel: +81-3-5452-6444 Fax: +81-3-5452-6458
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that demonstrate
original unpublished research in all areas of biology.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
1. Genes responsible for diseases;
2. Cloning of human tissues;
3. Fertility of endangered species;
4. Birth control.
Important dates:
March, 31: submission deadline for papers
April, 7: notification of acceptance
To stay informed about the current state, visit out
website at:
Guidelines below are provided to make all papers in
the consistent format.
1. Sheets for Papers and Typing
Prepare the manuscripts in A4 paper sheet size 297 mm
x 210 mm. The size of characters should be 10 points
of Times. All text is to be single-spaced. Left and
right justified typing is preferred. Each page must
be typed on a high quality computer printer.
2. Length
All manuscripts (with the exception of Invited Papers)
are limited to 8 single-spaced pages, including the
Title Block, abstract, figures, tables and references.
3. Abstract
Write a concise abstract (limited to 300
words), which presents in short the content and, very
important, in words understandable also to the non-specialists.
4. References
References should be cited in the text,
and listed in alphabetical order in the reference section.
5. Copyright
If your article contains any copyrighted
illustrations or imagery, please include a statement
of copyright. It is the authors' responsibility to obtain
any necessary copyright permission.