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  Course 3 > Unit 4 > Passage F
"To Clone or not to Clone?" That is the Question.

      "See you in two years with your cloned child," says the doctor to his patient. Such a statement sounds so bizarre and futuristic, but scientists believe cloning is no longer the realm of science fiction . It's just a matter of time before the first cloned human is cloned. Although this practice does not seem dangerous, cloning should be banned because it takes away the individual importance of human beings, which is too risky, and also morally wrong.

      The process of cloning scientifically means to genetically copy an organism and create a replica that has the same DNA, whose cells' time have been turned back, yet the two are not exactly the same; not a Xerox . The process of cloning was first tried in 1938 by a German embryologist, Han Spemann, yet it failed. It was not until 1970 when cloning became possible. The first animals to be cloned were frogs. Over the few decades, cows, pigs, a sheep (only Dolly), and monkeys have successfully been cloned. The major reason why huma

ns and other animals have not been cloned yet, aside from the acceptance of society, is because every organism's egg is different: its size, shape, and the stages of its life. This has been proved over and over and therefore, there is no certain procedure or ingredients for a clone.

      "Admittedly, if cloning is successful, it will help infertile couples for biological offspring. More importantly, if cloning is possible, we can save many endangered animals; however, this will result in breaking the animal's rights, by which we will no longer care for animals since they would be considered as an unlimited amount.

      "However, cloning takes away the individual importance of human beings. This is because a human would be cloned purposely for donations of body parts to someone else who needs it. Doing so will break human rights, however common sense would tell one that such would be carried out in secrecy for high paying aristocrats. Also, cloning opens the doors for an opportunity for the perfect child. This is because if cloning does take place, genetically prepared eggs will be made which will be perfect in every such way. Since fate will be toyed with and predicted, the average natural human will no longer be appreciated since it is genetically impossible for him or her to be perfect. Natural intelligence will no longer be appreciated and admired. This is shown and further proved by a Xeroxing machine and also in a science fiction movie, "Multiplicity". It is a great movie that shows the audience the aspects of cloning, yet it does not discuss the dangers of the process and does not get into too much detail of the complexities of the process. On the whole, it basically shows the good aspects of cloning while nothing that relates to the stressful and dangerous processes of cloning is discussed. After all it was not meant to be an educational film.

      "In addition, this practice is especially dangerous and risky for the mothers who bear the clone. There will be no insurance for these mothers since it is too much of a risk. Even if the clone is made, there is a great amount of pressure on the cloned child. This child will face more physiological problems than an adopted child because an adopted child at least knows that he does have, or once had parents and is a natural child, but a cloned child never had nor has any real parents since he was not born normally.

      "Moreover, by a clone, people can start to fraud with the government by a clone possibly of another person, since after all, we leave our DNA everywhere we go. By this, we can no longer trust anyone since anyone can create another replica of a human just by a strand of hair. Identification will be an important topic that will worry not only the government, but also the scientists who will make the clone, since after all, no one wants to be blamed for a crime.

      "Of greatest importance, cloning is morally wrong. There are many religions that are against this process. Among them is Islam and Christianity. In Islam the clarity of genealogy is a sacred thing. A question many religions are taking into consideration is to find out if cloning is considered to be legal or not.

      "With these thoughts in mind, society should once and for all ban cloning and therefore there should be no human clone present in our society.

 (752 words)


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