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 Course 3 > Unit 4 > General Writing
General Writing: Write and apply

17. Write a process-describing paragraph on one of the following topics, using the techniques of sequencing time and process.

Texas, SW
Florida, SE
California W
Georgia, SE
Chicago, N
Maine, NE
Popular Food
Mexican food
Chinese food
fried chicken
cheese and beef

As the United States is known as a nation of all nations, its foods are also international. If you come from China, you'll find   . For those who favor spicy Mexican food, Taco Bell Restaurants are  . Though KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is a Kentucky-based corporation and has its restaurants all over the world, Georgia is   . If you prefer seafood, Maine   . For the lovers of cheese and beef, Chicago is  . Well, after you have had a meal of your favorite food, what about a fruit dessert of  ?

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