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  Content Awareness: Read and Think > Exercise 3  

3. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. What does the author imply about the hard-bitten city dwellers? 
A) They are not confident about themselves.
B) They are not so willing to help others.
C) They are friendly to strangers.
D) They are not very knowledgeable.

2. What can we infer from the passage? 
A) The author is unwilling to help the driver.
B) English is not the author's native language.
C) The driver was slow to understand the author.
D) It is easier to use a word than to explain it.

3. What did the author realize when she found that the driver couldn't understand her? 
A) She wasn't
as curious as the driver.
B) She didn't really know a lot of her own language.
C) She should feel regretted having agreed to help.
D) She was trapped by the driver for more fare.

4. Why did the author mention "Haste makes waste"? 
A) To use it as an example to explain a proverb.
B) To remind the driver to drive slowly.
C) To advise that learning should take time.
D) To tell a story beginning with a saying.

5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? 
A) The author herself is not a native speaker of English.
B) The author herself is not a native speaker of English.
C) The driver impressed the author with his eagerness to learn English.
D) The author thought her explanations were very clever.

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