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Returning to College

 If I thought I'd live to be a hundred, I'd go back to college next fall. I was drafted into the Army at the end of my junior year and, after four years in the service, had no inclination to return to finish. By then, it seemed, I knew everything.   如果我认为我能活到百岁,那么明年秋天我就要重返大学。我在大三快结束时应征入伍。四年服役期满后,不想返校完成学业。当时我觉得我好像什么都懂了。

 Well, as it turns out, I don't know everything, and I'm ready to spend some time learning. I wouldn't want to pick up where I left off. I'd like to start all over again as a freshman. You see, it isn't just the education that appeals to me. I've visited a dozen colleges in the last two years, and college life looks extraordinarily pleasant.   可是,事实是我并不是什么都懂。我现在打算花点儿时间学习,但我不愿从休学的地方接着修读。我想重新从大一开始读。要知道,吸引我的不仅仅是大学教育本身。由于近两年来我参观过十几所大学,我感到大学生活异常愉快。

 The young people on campus are all gung ho to get out and get at life. They don't seem to understand they're having one of its best parts. Here they are with no responsibility to anyone but themselves, a hundred or a thousand ready-made friends, teachers trying to help them, families at home waiting for them to return for Christmas to tell all about their triumphs, three meals a day — so it isn't gourmet food — but you can't have everything.   大学校园里的年轻人都巴不得尽快走出校园去体验生活。他们似乎并不明白他们现在享有的是生活中最美好的时期。在这里,他们除了对自己,无需对他人负责;在这里,他们有现成的朋友;老师会尽力帮助他们;家人会盼他们回家过圣诞节,讲述他们的得意经历;还有一日三餐,虽非美食,可你不能奢望太多。

 Too many students don't really have much patience with the process of being educated. They think half the teachers are idiots, and I wouldn't deny this. They think the system stinks sometimes. I wouldn't deny that. They think there aren't any nice girls/boys around. I'd deny that. They just won't know what an idyllic time of life college can be until it's over.   太多的学生厌烦了受教育的过程,他们认为一半的老师是傻瓜,这我不否认;他们认为体制有时糟糕透顶,这我也不否认;他们认为周围没有可爱的女孩儿和男孩儿,这我可不同意。他们只是身在其中,没有意识到大学时光是多么美好。

 The students are anxious to acquire the knowledge they think they need to make a buck, but they aren't really interested in education for education's sake. That's where they're wrong, and that's why I'd like to go back to college. I know now what a joy knowledge can be, independent of anything you do with it.   学生们只是热心于掌握他们认为能使他们赚钱的知识,对教育本身实际不感兴趣。在这一点上他们大错特错了,而这一点正是我为什么要重返大学的原因。我现在知道知识的乐趣,一种与它的实用性无关的单纯的快乐。

 I'd take several courses in philosophy. I like the thinking process that goes with it. Philosophers are fairer than is absolutely necessary, but I like them, even the ones that I think are wrong. Too much of what I know of the great philosophers comes secondhand or from condensations. I'd like to take a course in which I actually had to read Plato, Aristotle, Hume, Spinoza, Locke, John Dewey and the other great thinkers.   我要修几门哲学课程,我喜欢哲学的思维过程。哲学家们有时过于较真了,但我依然喜欢他们,甚至包括那些我认为持错误观点的哲学家。我对伟大哲学家的了解大多来自于二手资料或简写本。现在我想修一门必须研读柏拉图、亚里斯多德、休谟、斯宾诺莎、洛克、约翰·杜威和其他伟大思想家的课程。

 I'd like to take some calculus, too. I have absolutely no ability in that direction and not much interest, either, but there's something going on in mathematics that I don't understand, and I'd like to find out what it is. My report cards won't be mailed to my father and mother, so I won't have to worry about marks. I bet I'l1 do better than when they were mailed.   我还想学点微积分,在这方面我既无能力又缺乏兴趣,但是在数学领域发生的一些事情我搞不明白,所以我很想探个究竟。我不必担心成绩单,因为不会寄给我的父母。我敢肯定我会比当年把成绩单寄给父母时还要学得好些。

 There are some literary classics I ought to read and I never will, unless I'm forced to by a good professor, so I'll take a few courses in English literature. I took a course that featured George Gordon Byron, usually referred to now as "Lord Byron," and I'd like to take that over again. I did very well in it the first time. I actually read all of Don Juan and have never gotten over how great it was. I know I could get an A in that if I took it over. I'd like to have a few easy courses.   还有一些文学名著我应该读,但如果没有来自良师的压力,我也许永远不会读,因此我要修几门英语文学课程。我曾经学过一门专门研究乔治·戈登·拜伦(现在通常称为拜伦爵士)的课程,我现在还想再重修一遍。我第一次学得不错。我甚至认认真真地读完了《唐璜》,而且一直惊异它的伟大。如果我重修一定会得到

 My history is very weak, and I'd want several history courses. I'm not going to break my back over them, but I'd like to be refreshed about the broad outline of history. When someone says sixteenth century to me, I'd like to be able to it with some names and events. This is just a little conversational conceit, but that's life.   我的历史是弱项,因此我要选几门历史课程。我当然不会为历史而呕心沥血,但至少我想重温一下历史的纲要。当有人向我提到十六世纪时,我会有能力立刻联想到某些人物和事件,这也许是为了在与人交谈时满足一点虚荣心,但这就是生活。

 If I can find a good teacher, I'd certainly want to go back over English grammar and usage. He'd have to be good, because you might not think so sometimes, but I know a lot about using the language. Still, there are times when I'm stumped. I was wondering the other day what part of speech the word "please" is in the sentence, "Please don't take me seriously."   如果能找到一位好老师,我一定要重新学习一遍英语语法和用法。他得是位优秀老师,因为我对语言的应用还颇有些研究,有时可能会认为他教得不好。我有时也会疑惑。有一天我就想过“please”一词在“Please don’t take me seriously”一句中是什么词性。

 I've been asked to speak at several college graduation ceremonies. Maybe if I graduate, they'll ask me to speak at my own.   我曾应邀在几次大学毕业典礼上讲话。也许我毕业的时候,他们会请我在我自己的毕业典礼上讲话。

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