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  Course 3 > Unit 6 > Passage C > Exercises
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Choose the best answer to each question based on the information from the passage.

1. Which of the following cannot serve as an example of African philosophy of "time"?  
A) Five months and seven countries later, I am still in Africa.
B) African buses do not have specific timetables.
C) A 120-mile ride can easily take eight hours.
D) Time of appointment is usually general and constantly changed.

2. Which of the following is true according to the second paragraph?  
A) Africans are precise about schedules.
B) African drums sound different from elsewhere in the world.
C) African way of life is characteristic of adventures
D) Africans are enjoying a special kind of living pace.

3. By saying "Traveling allows me to be free", the author means the following except:  
A) I don't have to worry about trip schedules.
B) I don't have to worry about travel expenses.
C) I don't have to worry about the itinerary.
D) I don't have to take any responsibilities.

4. What has deeply impressed the author in traveling through Africa?  
A) Men work harder than women.
B) Children play games of selling and buying.
C) Serving of wild animals is banned in restaurants.
D) Women carry bundles on their heads.

5. What can be inferred from the passage?  
A) The author describes the inefficient public transportation of Africa to show his dissatisfaction.
B) The author describes the Africans' poor sense of time to show his disappointment.
C) The author describes the African culture and living style to show his affection for the land and the people.
D) The author describes several people he has met to show he has lots of confidants Africa.

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