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Practical Writing: Trip Itinerary

A trip itinerary provides the travelers with a general description of a program for sightseeing. It usually consists of a tour arrangement and a list of scenic spots for traveler to visit. Such trip itineraries are often seen in newspapers and magazines, and, more and more popular, on the Internet, in tour advertisements.


The Best of London

Oct. 8
London sightseeing — the British Library, the Tower of London, an entertaining tour.

Oct. 9

Highlights of Westminster — Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery. Free time in the late afternoon and a perfect evening in the theater.

Oct. 10

St Paul's & British Museum — a trip to St. Paul's for a tour of the church, the City financial district, and the British Museum. After lunch, free time for Covent Garden, shopping, or other sightseeing.

Oct. 11

Trip to Windsor — a day outside the city, to enjoy the Royal Family's castle and grounds at historic Windsor.

Oct. 12

Greenwich — A cruise on the River Thames down to historic Greenwich, a day to explore the National Maritime Museum, the Old Royal Observatory, or the Cutty Sark clipper ship. Tonight we'll meet for our "last supper" and raise a toast to London.

Oct. 13

Tour over after breakfast — To say our final farewells and head for home or further adventures. Thanks for exploring London with us. Cheers!
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