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Practical Writing: Trip Itinerary

18. Directions:Use the information given below to write an itinerary for a 7-day Lhasa tour.

Time: Aug. 15 — Aug. 20
Places / spots to visit:
Day 1:
airport hotel Barkhor Street Bazaar the home of a Lhasa resident
Day 2:
the Potala Palace the Norbulingka Park the Sera Monastery

Day 3:

the Drepung Monastery the Jokhang Temple the Tibetan Traditional Medicine Hospital the Tibetan Traditional Carpet Factory
Day 4:
Lhasa Shigatse the Tashilhumpo Monastery the New Palace of Panchen Lama
Day 5:
Shigatse the Yangzhuoyong Lake the Karola snow mountain Lhasa
Day 6:
hotel airport

The Best of Lhasa














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