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 Practical Writing:Trip Itinerary

The Best of Lhasa

Aug. 15
Our guide will pick you up at Lhasa airport and transfer to the hotel. Rest of the day is free at leisure to acclimatize yourself to the high latitude or free to explore the Barkhor Street Bazaar.

Aug. 16

Visit the Potala Palace, the Norbulingka Park and the Sera Monastery.

Aug. 17

Visit the Drepung Monastery, the Jokhang Temple, the Tibetan Traditional Medicine Hospital and the Tibetan Traditional Carpet Factory.

Aug. 18

Take car to Shigatse and transfer to the hotel. Visit the Tashilhumpo Monastery and the New Palace of Panchen.

Aug. 19

Transfer to Lhasa. On the way visit the beautiful Yangzhuoyong Lake and the Karola snow mountain. Check in the hotel again.


See off.


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