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 Course 3 > Unit 6 > General Writing

General Writing: Paragraph Development by Comparison and Contrast
Paragraph development by comparison and contrast usually has three patterns to follow: one is to develop through illustrations to show how things are different, another is to discuss similarities only, and still another is to treat both likenesses and differences. We can use all the three patterns or just one of them to show the similarities and / or differences about objects or opinions both in social and academic life.


      People in different countries make different hand gestures. A common example is the gesture of waving farewell. In Italy the palm of the hand is held toward the speaker and the fingers make the motion of drawing the departing person back. In Spain the movement is the same, but the hand is held horizontally. In France, however, the palm is frequently held facing the departing person, and the movement of the hand appears to push the departing person on his way. Similarly, Americans are inclined to show the palm also and move the flattened hand from left to right.

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