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  Course 3 > Unit 5 > Passage D > Exercises
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Read the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. The author was originally going to travel with friends, but finally he changed his mind and decided to travel by himself. 
True False    

2. The America the author actually witnessed as a visitor was completely different from what he had seen of America on myriad television programmes and films. 
True False

3. On arrival at the hostel the author was told that the one night he had booked could be extended, which was something he had expected.  
True False

4. The horrifying story of homicidal maniacs sitting at the backs of the Greyhound buses was backed up by the author's personal experience. 
True False

5. The house Mark Twain called his own for 20 years had been renovated to look as much as possible the way it was when Mark Twain lived there. 
True False

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