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 Course 3 > Unit 6 > Communicative Task 2

Communicative Tasks:

Directions: Work with a peer and take turns to start the conversation.

Task 2:

Situation: Two tourists are talking about how they should make use of the transportation means while they visit a city.
Role A: You think taxi is at the top of the list. You can directly go from one place to another without wasting much time on the road. It's comfortable in a taxi, and you can have a rest before reaching your next destination.
Role B: You prefer buses and subways. They are much cheaper. Besides, you will have more chances to communicate with local people and to learn their culture.

Take a taxi if you want …
You tell the driver where you want to go and then …
I'd rather…
… so I'll get to know …
That's what travel really means.

public transportation, in no hurry, people's daily life, make friends with …

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