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 Course 3 > Unit 7 > Lead-in: listen 
   Unit 7 > Lead-in > Listen

 Directions: Listen to the following passage and try to fill in the blanks with the missing words.

lst time 2nd time 3rd time

      1)   the drug, many people report feelings like happiness, confidence, or peace when they take drugs. But even when they're feeling these things, there's a sense that 2)   , that the happiness is going to disappear any moment. And 3)   , in most cases these feelings are followed by depression, anxiety, guilt, embarrassment, loneliness and a yearning for more drugs

      Generally, drugs 4)   the nervous system's basic functions. Sometimes they alter the muscles and how they function too. Besides, almost all drugs can make it tougher to sleep. Some drugs can cause immediate death, and some can give even healthy people a heart attack 5)   . Using drugs over and over for a long period of time can cause lots of medical problems, from lung cancer to liver problems to 6)   .

      7)   the physical problems, drugs cause major long-term brain issues. Depression is a serious problem for many addicts. Also, they can really hurt people. Drug addicts almost without exception start to tell lies, steal money for drugs, sometimes even get 8)   they love. Their biggest ambition becomes getting high, instead of setting high goals.

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