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 Course 3 > Unit 7 > Communicative Task 1

Communicative Tasks:

Directions: Work with a peer and take turns to start the conversation.

Task 1:

Situation: A pop musician is reported to have a drug problem. Two people are talking about the causes of his / her problem.
Role A: You think his/her problem results from too much fame, easy money and loss of control of his/her behavior. Since he/she is a public figure he/she should avoid being a bad example to his/her young fans.
Role B: You think the pop star is also a human. Too much pressure from work and the public has led to his/her drug abuse. As public figures have little privacy from the public, they suffer more from depression. It is society that should be held responsible for drug abuse.
It is really unfortunate ...
It's hard to imagine ...
He / She had everything going for him / her!
Maybe life in the fast lane is too much sometimes.
It must be stressful ...
Why do you think this happened?

such a young and promising ...
with so much success on the horizon
satisfaction from life
turn to drugs
... made it

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