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 Course 3 > Unit 7 > Communicative Task 2

Communicative Tasks:

Directions: Work with a peer and take turns to start the conversation.

Task 2:

Situation: Two roommates are arguing about cigarette smoking in their dorm.
Role A: You're complaining about your roommate smoking in the room, saying that smoking is even more harmful than drug abuse because it brings harm to people around as well as to the smokers themselves.
Role B: You're a regular smoker and you try to defend your smoking habit, believing that it is your personal right to smoke and that smoking helps you concentrate on your study.
Once you get on, it's hard to come back.
... create dependence.
Try and take ... away from ...
more likely to ... than ...
(be) willing to give up ... just to ...
(be) responsible for ... dependency

a one-way ticket
(be) as much a drug as ...
the dependent-personality
pleasure centers
disastrous consequences

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