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  Course 3 > Unit 7 > Passage A
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     Agony from Ecstasy 

 I hear a lot of people talking about Ecstasy, calling it a fun, harmless drug. All I can think is, "if they only knew."   我听到许多人谈论摇头丸,说它是一种奇妙无害的麻醉品。对此,我只能暗自感叹,“要是他们知道就好了。”

 I grew up in a small, rural town in Pennsylvania. It's one of those places where everyone knows your name, what you did, what you ate and so on. I was a straight-A student and one of the popular kids, liked by all the different crowds. Drugs never played a part in my life. They were never a question — I was too involved and focused on other things.   我是在宾夕法尼亚的一个乡间小镇长大的。在那个地方,你叫什么名字,你是干什么的,你吃的是什么,以及诸如此类的事儿别人都了如指掌。那时,我是一个门门皆优的好学生,是大家公认的一个乖孩子,人人都喜欢我。毒品与我的生活中根本不沾边,从来也没去想过--我别的事情还忙不过来咧。

 I always dreamed of moving to New York City to study acting and pursue a career in theater. My dream came true when my mom brought me to the city to attend acting school. As you can imagine, it was quite a change from home.   我一直梦想到纽约市去学表演,然后从事舞台表演生涯。后来,我妈带我到那座城市去上表演艺术学校,实现了我的梦想。你能想象得到,这与家里相比可是大不一样。

 I was exposed to new people, new ideas and a completely new way of life — a way of life that exposed me to drugs. Most of the people that I met in the acting school had already been doing drugs for years. I felt that by using drugs, I would become a part of their world and it would deepen my friendships with them to new levels. I tried pot, even a little cocaine, but it was Ecstasy that changed my life forever.   我接触到了许多新朋友,新观念,接触到了一种全新的生活方式--这种生活方式也使我开始接触到了毒品。我在艺术学校遇到的那些人多数都已经有多年的吸毒经历。当时我觉得通过吸毒我可以真正融入他们那个世界,可以加深我与他们的友情。我试过大麻,甚至还试过一点可卡因,不过,永远改变了我的生活的是摇头丸。

 I remember the feeling I had the first time I did Ecstasy: complete and utter bliss. I could feel the pulse of the universe. It was as if I had unlocked some sort of secret world; it was as if I'd found heaven. And I wondered how anything that made you feel so good could possibly be bad.   我还记得我第一次用摇头丸时的感觉:浑身上下飘然若仙。我甚至感受到了宇宙的脉搏,宛如某种神奇世界的铁锁被我豁然开启,让我顿入天界一般。我当时心想,能够让人感到如此美妙的东西怎么可能不好呢?

 As time went by, things changed. I graduated, and began to use drugs, especially Ecstasy, more frequently. As I did, I actually started to look down on those who did not. I surrounded myself only with those who did. I had gone from a girl who never used drugs to a woman who couldn't imagine life without them.   随着时间的推移,情况发生了变化。我毕业后开始越来越频繁地吸用毒品,尤其是摇头丸。我自己吸毒并开始看不起那些不吸毒的人。我成天与吸毒者为伍。我已经从一个不沾毒品的女孩变成了一个没有毒品就难以度日的女人。

 In five months, I went from a person living somewhat responsibly while pursuing my dream to a person who didn't care about a thing — and the higher I got, the deeper I sank into a dark, lonely place. When I did sleep, I had nightmares and the shakes. I had pasty skin, a throbbing head and the beginnings of paranoia, but I ignored it all, thinking it was normal until the night I thought I was dying.   仅五个月的时间,我就从一个追求梦想,对生活还有些责任感的人,变成了一个对一切都无所谓的庸人。而且,我走得越远,我越发陷于黑暗孤寂的深渊。我一旦入睡,便会噩梦连连,颤抖不已。我肤色如灰,头痛欲炸,精神也开始错乱起来。对此我全然没有理会,以为这一切都是正常的,直到有一天夜晚我觉得我就要死了。

 On this night, I was sitting on the couch with my friends, watching a movie and feeling normal when suddenly, I felt as if I needed to jump out of my skin. Racing thoughts, horrible images and illusions crept through my mind. I thought I was seeing the devil, and I repeatedly asked my friends if I was dead. On top of all this, I felt as if I was having a heart attack. Somehow, I managed to pick up the telephone and call my mom in the middle of the night, telling her to come get me. She did, pulling me out of my apartment the next morning.   那天夜晚,我正和几个朋友坐在长沙发上看电影,起初还感觉正常,可是突然我觉得仿佛想要从自己的躯壳里蹦出来似的,各种各样的念头、恐怖无比的景象和扑朔离迷的幻影在脑海里闪烁。当时我觉得我撞见了魔鬼。我不停地问朋友们我是不是已经死了。在发作的高峰,我感觉我仿佛象心脏病发作了一般。半夜时候,我总算拿起了电话,拨通了我妈妈的号码,叫她赶紧来接我。第二天一早她来了,把我从公寓里拽了出来。

 I didn't know who I was or where I was as my mom drove me back to my family's hospital in Pennsylvania. I spent most of the drive curled up in the back seat while my younger sister tried to keep me calm.   在我妈开车带我回宾夕法尼亚州我们的家庭医院的时候,我迷迷糊糊,忘了自己是谁,也不知道自己身在何处。路上的大部分时间,我都卷曲着身子,倒在汽车的后座上,而我妹妹一直在尽力使我安静下来。

 I spent the next 14 days in the hospital in a state of extreme confusion. This is what Ecstasy gave me — but it didn't stop there. My doctors performed a scan of my brain. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the results. The scan showed several dark marks on the image of my brain, and my doctors told me those were areas — areas that carry out memory functions — where the activity of my brain had been changed in some way.   在一种极度的迷茫状态之中,我在病房里度过了14天。这就是摇头丸给我带来的结果--还不止如此。医生们给我的大脑作了一次扫描检查。当我看到检查结果的时候,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。扫描显示我的脑电图上呈现好几处黑斑。医生们告诉我说,这些黑斑出现的区域正是大脑执行记忆功能的区域,表明我的大脑活动已经产生了某种病变。

 Since I saw that scan, my life has been an uphill crawl.   自打我看到那张脑电图之后,我的生活就如爬坡上坎似的变得艰难起来。

 I hear people say Ecstasy is a harmless, happy drug. There's nothing happy about the way that "harmless" drug chipped away at my life. Ecstasy took my strength, my motivation, my dreams, my friends, my apartment, my money and most of all, my sanity. I worry about my future and my health every day. I have many mountains ahead of me, but I plan to keep climbing because I'm one of the lucky ones.   我总是听到人们说,摇头丸是一种令人愉悦的无害麻醉品。然而当这种“无害”之药一点一点地侵蚀了我的生命的时候,哪里还有愉悦。摇头丸夺走了我的体力,我的追求,我的梦想,我的朋友,我的公寓,我的钱财,而最为重要的是,它夺走了我的心灵。我每天都在担心自己的未来和健康。我的前面有许多高山险阻。但是,我要不断地翻越攀登,因为我是为数不多的幸运儿之一。

 I've been given a second chance, and that's not something that everyone gets.   我得到了第二次机会,而这并不是人人都能得到的。

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