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  Course 3 > Unit 8 > Passage C > Exercises
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Choose the best answer to each question based on the information from the passage.

1. The writer wasn't very willing to work with the Yugoslavs in the rehearsal because ______.  
A) she didn't want to work with the newcomers
B) she could not get along well with the rest of the cast
C) she succumbed to hate based on the national and religious disagreements with the cast
D) she didn't want to recall the pain from the breakup of her homeland

2. Why did the writer's first attempt to remain distant among the cast fail?  
A) Because she had to cooperate with them to get the rehearsal done.
B) Because she found she had mutual friends with the former TV director.
C) Because she felt sympathetic for the woman, who was once a prominent Yugoslav.
D) Because she underwent the same pain as the woman did.

3. How do you suppose the writer felt when she wrote the article?  
A) Vengeful and determined.
B) Inferior and fearful.
C) Emotional and confused.
D) Relaxed and easy-going.

4. What caused Yugoslavia to break up?  
A) The ethnic, religious and political conflicts.
B) The hatred for the former Yugoslavia.
C) The invasion of foreign conquerors.
D) The multiple nationalities in the former Yugoslavia.

5. What does the author try to tell us in the passage?  
A) A successful rehearsal can ignite the passion for unity.
B) No one can escape sufferings from the war.
C) The Yugoslavs enjoy a rewarding life in the U.S.
D) The U.S. is the best place for refugees.

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