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 Course 3 > Unit 8 > Lead-in: listen 
   Unit 8 > Lead-in > Listen

 Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the missing words in the blanks.

lst time 2nd time 3rd time

Wars between states have become less frequent. But in the last decade internal wars have claimed more than 5 million lives, and driven even more people from their homes. At the same time weapons of mass destruction continue to cast their 1)   . The threat of deadly conflict must be tackled 2)   :

      Pursuing arms reductions. The Secretary-General urges Member States to control small arms transfers more rigorously; and to re-commit themselves to reducing the dangers both of existing 3)   and of further proliferation.

      Strengthening 4)   . While traditional peacekeeping had focused mainly on monitoring ceasefires, today's complex peace operations are, in essence, to assist the parties 5)   to pursue their interests through political channels instead.

      Prevention. Conflicts are most frequent in poor countries, especially in those that are ill governed and where there are sharp inequalities between ethnic or 6)   . The best way to prevent them is to promote balanced 7)  , combined with human rights, minority rights and fair political arrangements. Also, illicit transfers of weapons, money, or natural resources must be focused.

      Protecting the vulnerable. We must 8)   to enforce international and human rights law, and ensure that gross violations do not go unpunished.

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