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  Course 3 > Unit 8 > Passage D > Exercises
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Read the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. According to the author, it is of the greatest significance on Remembrance Day only to honor those who have given their lives to the worthy cause of one's own country. 
True False    

2. Peace above all is personal. It is a state of mind and a way of life that begin at home, within each one of us. 
True False

3. The author assigns two meanings to the word culture. One refers to the established practices and social values and the other to the process of developing these practices and values. 
True False

4. The passage informs us that the United Kingdom was once at war with Turkey. 
True False

5. Kemal Ataturk rendered his homage to the victims on both sides in the war. 
True False

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