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    24. On that first day, I ran down the hill and into the road (few cars ever came along it) and had the good sense to stop running before I reached the Store.
    25. I was liked, and what a difference it made. I was respected not as Mrs. Henderson's grandchild or Bailey's sister but for just being Marguerite Johnson.
    25)有人喜欢我,这造成了多大的不同啊! 我不是作为亨德森太太的孙女或贝利的妹妹受到尊敬,而就是作为我自己,玛格丽特·约翰逊。

    26. Childhood's logic never asks to be proved (all conclusions are absolute). I didn't question why Mrs. Flowers had singled me out for attention, nor did it occur to me that Momma might have asked her to give me a little talking to. All I cared about was that she had made tea cookies for me and read to me from her favorite book. It was enough to prove that she liked me.
    26)童年时的推理永远不需求得证实 (一切的结论都是绝对的)。我并没有怀疑弗劳尔斯太太为什么单单选中了我来表示关怀,也没有想到奶奶曾请她小小地开导我一番。我关心的只是她为我做了茶点时吃的点心,从她最喜欢的书里念了一段给我听。这就足以证明她喜欢我了。

    27. Momma and Bailey were waiting inside the Store. He said, "My, what did she give you? "He had seen the books, but I held the paper sack with his cookies in my arms shielded by the poems.

   28. Momma said, "Sister, I know you acted like a little lady. That do my heart good to see settled people take to you all. I' m trying my best, the Lord knows, but these days ... " Her voice trailed off: "Go on in and change your dress."

  Total 6 pages Now page 6
Unit 1: Four Choices for Young People
Unit 2: Rock Superstars: What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society?
Unit 3: A Most Forgiving Ape (part one)
Unit 4: A Most Forgiving Ape (Part Two)
Unit 6: A Lesson in Living (Part Two)
Unit 7: I'd Rather Be Black Than Female
Unit 8: The Trouble With Television
Unit 9: On Getting Off to Sleep
Unit 10: Why I Write?













