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  Content Awareness: Read and Think > Exercise 3  

3. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. It can be concluded from the passage that ______. 
A) fossils fuel are the only cause of global warming
B) trees play an important role in avoiding global warming
C) the interview is held in Australia
D) experts do not have a solution to the environmental crisis

2. By saying that "the biggest threat to our environment today is the way we see our environment" (line 2-3), Aman Motwane implies that ______. 
A) everything in the ecosystem is part of one complete whole
B) most people hold a wrong view on the environment
C) everything affects and is affected by its environment
D) people are indifferent to the environment protection

3. In Leon Nacson's view, air and water pollution are our Number One priorities because ______. 
A) he cannot understand why people are polluting air and water
B) there will be nothing left for future generations
C) we would run out of air and water if we didn't stop polluting them
D) air and water pollution are the current and future state of the environment

4. TWhich of the following best explains Amrit Desai's words "we live divided lives"? 
A) We pollute Mother Earth in pursuing a better life, which, consequently, hurts ourselves.
B) We are never satisfied with what we have, and we do not make good use of natural resources.
C) If Mother Earth is ill, we, as her children, only enjoy part of our life.
D) Though we have created the environmental problem, we try to separate ourselves from it.

5. According to Dr. McKinley, what is the root cause of the environmental problem? 
A) Deforesting and global warming.
B) The abuse of natural resources.
C) Air and water pollution.
D) The attitude of human beings.

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