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 Course 3 > Unit 1 > Lead-in: listen 
 Unit 1 > Lead-in > Listen

 Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the missing words in the blanks.

lst time 2nd time 3rd time

      Global warming may be the most harmful environmental problem 1.   have created, and the most difficult to solve. Our society is largely 2.   by the fossil fuels that cause global warming. Its growing consequences ― ecological disruption, floods, drought, disease ― are convincing more and more people that we must cut down 3.   pollution.

      Many people view global warming as a problem too large and too 4.   for anything they can do to 5.  . However, in reality, there are lots of things we can do to stop, or at least to reduce it.

     Plant a tree. Trees "6.  " carbon dioxide, but only as long as they're living.
     Install low-flow shower heads and faucets. You'll use less than half the water without 7.  .
     Buy energy-efficient electronics and appliances. Then, turn them off when they're not in use.
     Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! Recycling a stack of newspapers only 8.   will save a good-sized tree.
     Mount a local 9.   against global warming. Educate your community about how to cut greenhouse gas pollution. Support measures at the national and local levels that increase energy efficiency, and that 10.   the use of clean, renewable solar and wind technology.


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