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  Course 3 > Unit 1 > Passage C > Exercises
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Choose the best answer to each question based on the information from the passage.

1. According to the passage, what is not a proper reason for a consumer to choose plastic bags?  
A) He can use plastic bags to carry garbage later.
B) He can save money as plastic bags are free.
C) He finds paper bags heavier than plastic ones.
D) He finds plastic bags convenient to carry.

2. The author describes the whereabouts of the first plastic bag in order to show ______.  
A) seals can eat plastic bags
B) seals have good stomach
C) seals are potential victims of plastic bags
D) seals like everything edible

3. According to the passage, what is the problem with the landfill?  
A) Some sorts of garbage are not allowed to be dumped in landfills.
B) No more land will be left for landfills in the near future.
C) They cannot dispose of the garbage dumped there.
D) The landfills available are not large enough to handle the garbage.

4. Why does the author suggest that plastic bags should not be used for shopping?  
A) They are not biodegradable.
B) They cannot be properly deposited.
C) They are more costly to make.
D) They should be used to other purposes.

5. What is the tone of the writer of this passage?  
A) Subjective.
B) Humorous.
C) Ironical.
D) Persuasive.

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